b2-t74-2:/var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3/Modules/AtlasCreator% python atlascreator.py -i /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals -s /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout -l "3 4 5 6 8 10" -w --slic "/var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --tmp_dir /var/tmp/haehn --config_dir /var/tmp/haehn" --fixed --template /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd --cmtk --debug --keepAligned AtlasCreator for 3D Slicer Version v0.2 3D Slicer manually specified: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --tmp_dir /var/tmp/haehn --config_dir /var/tmp/haehn Warning: The output directory (/var/tmp/haehn/acout) already exists.. Warning: Using new output directory instead: /var/tmp/haehn/acout6 Debug Mode is enabled! Adding module path: /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VMTKBranchSplitting:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VMTKCenterlines:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VMTKEasyLevelSetSegmentation:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VMTKNetworkExtraction:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VmtkSlicerModule:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/VMTKVesselEnhancement:/var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer Starting Slicer: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Starting Atlas Creator Normal Mode [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] DEBUG: Looking for CMTK in /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137 [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Found CMTK at: /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Configuration for Atlas Creator: Original Images: ['/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case10.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case12.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case2.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case8.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case3.nrrd'] Segmentations: ['/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case10.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case12.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case5.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case2.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case8.nrrd', '/var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case3.nrrd'] Output Directory: /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/ Template Type: fixed Dynamic Template Iterations: 5 Fixed Template Default Case: /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd Labels: [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] Toolkit: CMTK Registration Type: Affine Save Transforms: 1 Delete Aligned Images: 0 Delete Aligned Segmentations: 0 Normalize Atlases: 0 Output Cast: Short [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Entering Registration Stage.. [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Found 3D Slicer launcher at /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] DEBUG: Looking for CMTK in /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137 [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] DEBUG: The launchCommandPrefix is /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/ [AtlasCreator 14:29:07] Fixed registration against /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd Background level guess : first place: 4 (11.4145%) second place: 5 (11.2047%) Guessed background level: 4 [AtlasCreator 14:29:08] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 4.0 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.8423%) second place: 4 (17.4266%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:29:09] DEBUG: Guessing background value for template: 3.0 [AtlasCreator 14:29:09] DEBUG: Register command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/registration --initxlate --exploration 8.0 --dofs 6 --dofs 9 --accuracy 0.5 -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case10.mat --pad-ref 3.0 --pad-flt 4.0 --write-reformatted /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/Q44juQAtlasCreator/case10.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case10.nrrd AffineImageRegistration "AffineImageRegistration" 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 1 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 AffineImageRegistration 15.59 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.7612%) second place: 4 (17.1901%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:30:38] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 3.0 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.8423%) second place: 4 (17.4266%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:30:38] DEBUG: Guessing background value for template: 3.0 [AtlasCreator 14:30:38] DEBUG: Register command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/registration --initxlate --exploration 8.0 --dofs 6 --dofs 9 --accuracy 0.5 -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case12.mat --pad-ref 3.0 --pad-flt 3.0 --write-reformatted /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/Q44juQAtlasCreator/case12.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case12.nrrd AffineImageRegistration "AffineImageRegistration" 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 1 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 AffineImageRegistration 24.23 Background level guess : first place: 2 (12.1833%) second place: 3 (11.7794%) Guessed background level: 2 [AtlasCreator 14:32:28] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 2.0 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.8423%) second place: 4 (17.4266%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:32:29] DEBUG: Guessing background value for template: 3.0 [AtlasCreator 14:32:29] DEBUG: Register command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/registration --initxlate --exploration 8.0 --dofs 6 --dofs 9 --accuracy 0.5 -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case2.mat --pad-ref 3.0 --pad-flt 2.0 --write-reformatted /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/Q44juQAtlasCreator/case2.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case2.nrrd AffineImageRegistration "AffineImageRegistration" 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 1 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 AffineImageRegistration 22.08 Background level guess : first place: 2 (11.5244%) second place: 3 (11.1119%) Guessed background level: 2 [AtlasCreator 14:34:57] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 2.0 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.8423%) second place: 4 (17.4266%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:34:58] DEBUG: Guessing background value for template: 3.0 [AtlasCreator 14:34:58] DEBUG: Register command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/registration --initxlate --exploration 8.0 --dofs 6 --dofs 9 --accuracy 0.5 -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case8.mat --pad-ref 3.0 --pad-flt 2.0 --write-reformatted /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/Q44juQAtlasCreator/case8.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case8.nrrd AffineImageRegistration "AffineImageRegistration" 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 1 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 AffineImageRegistration 17.38 Background level guess : first place: 3 (20.7696%) second place: 4 (17.3754%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:36:54] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 3.0 Background level guess : first place: 3 (19.8423%) second place: 4 (17.4266%) Guessed background level: 3 [AtlasCreator 14:36:55] DEBUG: Guessing background value for template: 3.0 [AtlasCreator 14:36:55] DEBUG: Register command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/registration --initxlate --exploration 8.0 --dofs 6 --dofs 9 --accuracy 0.5 -o /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case3.mat --pad-ref 3.0 --pad-flt 3.0 --write-reformatted /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/Q44juQAtlasCreator/case3.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case3.nrrd AffineImageRegistration "AffineImageRegistration" 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.5 0.583333 0.666667 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 1 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 AffineImageRegistration 21.99 [AtlasCreator 14:39:25] Waiting for Registration to complete.. [AtlasCreator 14:39:30] DEBUG: All outputs exist! [AtlasCreator 14:39:31] Saving template to /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/template.nrrd [AtlasCreator 14:39:34] Entering Resampling Stage.. [AtlasCreator 14:39:34] Found 3D Slicer launcher at /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 [AtlasCreator 14:39:34] DEBUG: Looking for CMTK in /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137 [AtlasCreator 14:39:34] DEBUG: The launchCommandPrefix is /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/ Guessed background level: 0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:35] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 0.0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:35] DEBUG: Resample command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/reformatx -o /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/vbIrLmAtlasCreatorResampled/case10.nrrd --pad-out 0.0 --floating /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case10.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case10.mat "" 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 6.47 Guessed background level: 0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:40] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 0.0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:40] DEBUG: Resample command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/reformatx -o /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/vbIrLmAtlasCreatorResampled/case12.nrrd --pad-out 0.0 --floating /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case12.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case12.mat "" 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 6.63 Guessed background level: 0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:45] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 0.0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:45] DEBUG: Resample command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/reformatx -o /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/vbIrLmAtlasCreatorResampled/case2.nrrd --pad-out 0.0 --floating /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case2.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case2.mat "" 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 6.68 Guessed background level: 0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:50] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 0.0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:50] DEBUG: Resample command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/reformatx -o /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/vbIrLmAtlasCreatorResampled/case8.nrrd --pad-out 0.0 --floating /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case8.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case8.mat "" 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 6.45 Guessed background level: 0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:56] DEBUG: Guessing background value: 0.0 [AtlasCreator 14:39:56] DEBUG: Resample command: /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-build/Slicer3 --launch /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/16137/CMTK4Slicer/reformatx -o /var/tmp/haehn/Slicer3haehn/vbIrLmAtlasCreatorResampled/case3.nrrd --pad-out 0.0 --floating /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/segmentations/case3.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/Large/Large/originals/case5.nrrd /var/tmp/haehn/acout6/case3.mat "" 0 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.0117188 0.015625 0.0195312 0.0234375 0.0273438 0.03125 0.0351562 0.0390625 0.0429688 0.046875 0.0507812 0.0546875 0.0585938 0.0625 0.0664062 0.0703125 0.0742188 0.078125 0.0820312 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101562 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 6.6 [AtlasCreator 14:40:01] Entering Combine-To-Atlas Stage.. [AtlasCreator 14:40:02] Re-Casting atlas for label 3 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:04] Re-Casting atlas for label 4 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:05] Re-Casting atlas for label 5 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:07] Re-Casting atlas for label 6 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:09] Re-Casting atlas for label 8 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:11] Re-Casting atlas for label 10 to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:11] Re-Casting atlas to Short [AtlasCreator 14:40:12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AtlasCreator 14:40:12] All Done, folks! [AtlasCreator 14:40:12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic Warning: In /var/tmp/SLICER/TRUNK/Slicer3-lib/VTK/Common/vtkDebugLeaks.cxx, line 296 Deleting unknown object: vtkSlicerApplication