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= Information on Bram Platel & TU/e =
== Information on Bram Platel & TU/e ==
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[https://w3.bmt.tue.nl/en/research/divisions_bme/biomedical_imaging_modeling/biomedical_image_analysis/research/multivalued_image_analysis_visualization/ Multivalued Image Analysis & Visualization]
[https://w3.bmt.tue.nl/en/research/divisions_bme/biomedical_imaging_modeling/biomedical_image_analysis/research/multivalued_image_analysis_visualization/ Multivalued Image Analysis & Visualization]
= Possible Topics of Collaboration =
== Possible Topics of Collaboration: ==
==Surgical Planning / Intra-Operative Guidance for Brain Tumor Resection==
'''Deep Brain Stimulation'''
We have a [http://www.medtronicnavigation.com/procedures/intraoperative/polestar.jsp Medtronic Polestar N20], we would like to use pre-operative data: fMRI, DTI and register this with the Polestar data during the surgery. SPL has many researchers working on registration of these modalities. Using Slicer for the registration is a good option. Exchange of students to work on registration projects is interesting as well. We have a robust method for initialization-less registration that might be interesting for integration into Slicer.
(I'm meeting [http://frontweb.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/vuse_web/directory/facultybio.asp?FacultyID=20802 Benoit Dawant] 14-18 April at Vanderbilt University to talk about their DBS research)
'''Diffusion Tensor Imaging'''
'''Integration of Medtronic's StealthLink into Slicer (OpenIGT Link)'''
==Integration of Medtronic's StealthLink into Slicer (OpenIGT Link)==
We will use Medtronic's Stealth Station for navigation. We will have a student project to develop an interface with Medtronic's Stealth Link software. We hope that with the help of Junichi and Haiying we can develop a sort of proxy that translates Medtronic's StealthLink protocol into OpenIGT Link. This will make our software integrate with other systems and on the other hand it is useful for Medtronic, as this enables the use of their system in OpenIGT Link-compatible software like Slicer.
(I'm meeting Leslie Holton, StealthLink Coordinator of Medtronic on the 22nd of April)
(I'm meeting Leslie Holton, StealthLink Coordinator of Medtronic on the 22nd of April)
'''GPU Visualization, Depth Peeling (Nvidia's CUDA)'''
'''Scanner Deformation Analysis & Correction'''
==GPU Based Visualization==
Our group has a multi-volume ray casting engine based on VTK. This volume renderer supports multiple volumes, (transparent) geometric shapes, convex and concave clipping geometry, transferfunction editing, etc. The ray caster is based on VTK classes and could be implemented into Slicer. This could be made into a student project.
==DTI Validation with Tracer/Anatomical Studies==
As soon as more detailes are available on our research on DTI validation with tracer studies and anatomical slices, we will contact CF Westin who has extensive knowledge on the subject, through studies on [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/dauguetNeuroImage07.html macaque monkeys]. Perhaps we can use his groups knowledge and software for the analysis of our human and rat brain studies.
==Diffusion Tensor Imaging==
Anna Vilanova's [https://w3.bmt.tue.nl/en/research/divisions_bme/biomedical_imaging_modeling/biomedical_image_analysis/research/multivalued_image_analysis_visualization/ Multivalued Image Analysis & Visualization] research group at the Eindhoven University of Technology is specialized in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Exchange of students might be a good way to exchange knowledge. The DTI tool built by Anna's group is open source and based on VTK. Integration into Slicer would be possible.
===Diffusion Data Compatibly===
Steve Pieper has asked for information on the Philips DTI data structure, we will look into this and provide the information we have on importing DTI data (we have our own tool for this). [http://wiki.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/NAMIC_Wiki:DTI:DICOM_for_DWI_and_DTI More information on NAMIC's DTI / DWI]
==Note on Student Exchange Possibilities==
Student projects should contain enough ''research'' to be acceptable as master projects. This means that they have to be well defined and should not only contain the wrapping of existing code.
Also the students are in general Biomedical Engineering students that have limited programming knowledge/affinity in C++.
''Student Exchange Possibilities''
==Noby Hata is willing to come and give a colloquium/lecture==
''Noby Hata is willing to come and give a colloquium/lecture''
I will talk to Bart ter Haar Romeny to discuss the possibility for Noby to come to Eindhoven and give a lecture on the research at SPL and demonstrate Slicer.
= Main Contact =
== Main Contact: ==
==Nobuhiko (Noby) Hata==
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/People/noby Personal web page]
'''Nobuhiko (Noby) Hata'''
= Contacts =
==Ron Kikinis==
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/People/kikinis Personal web page]
- Dr. Kikinis is the founding Director of the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. This laboratory was founded in 1990.
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/Special:Publications%3Fcollection%3D1 ''Publication List SPL'']
==Junichi Tokuda Ph.D.==
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/People/tokuda Personal web page]
- Built robot for prostate cancer biopsy, this robot is currently no longer in use since the open MR-scanner is out of business.
- Currently working on the [http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/OpenIGTLink Open IGT Link] network protocol. This protocol will be supported by [http://www.igstk.org/index.htm IGstk] and is designed to send information like image data, tracker locations, scanner protocols, etc. over a network.
''We will have to see if this protocol is useful for us next to Medtronic's StealthLink software. Perhaps we could build a translating proxy that translates Medtronic's StealthLink protocol to Open IGT Link, so that our applications can be Open IGT Link compatible.''
==Haying Liu==
- Slicer software engineer, involved in maintaining the software/source code.
- Demo'ed the Slicer software to me and helped me [http://wiki.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Slicer_Training_Basic build the application] from SVN. Showed me how to build a [http://wiki.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Slicer3:Execution_Model_Documentation command line module] and demonstrated the use of the [http://wiki.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Slicer_Training_Navigation_With_Aurora Aurora navigation system with Slicer].
==William (Sandy) Wells==
[http://people.csail.mit.edu/sw/ Personal web page]
- Discussed the correction of the distortion of our Medtronic Polestar N20 scanner. Wells pointed out several papers on image registration that might be useful, but the scanners resolution is probably too low, with a too small FOV, and there are too many artifacts for an accurate registration.
- Wells is currently working on a large study on fMRI data of Schizophrenia patients.
''Papers to consider:''
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/Special:PubDB_View%3Fdspaceid%3D58 A Bayesian Model for Joint Segmentation and Registration], Pohl K, Fisher J, Grimson WEL, Kikinis R, Wells W. Neuroimage 31, 2006
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/mahnazISBI08.html A Mathematical Framework for Incorporating Anatomical Knowledge in DT-MRI Analysis], M. Maddah, L. Zöllei, W.E.L. Grimson, C.F. Westin, W.M. Wells III, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro, May 2008, Paris, France
[http://www.springerlink.com/index/m318851t513802h2.pdf Geometry Driven Volumetric Registration], G.M. Postelnicu, L . Zöllei, R. Desikan, B. Fischl, Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2007, LNCS 4584 pp. 675-686
[http://people.csail.mit.edu/pohl/publications/pohl-tmi-2007.pdf A hierarchical algorithm for MR brain image parcellation], K.M. Pohl, S. Bouix, M. Nakamura, T. Rohlfing, R.W. McCarley, R. Kikinis, W.E.L. Grimson, M.E. Shenton, and W.M. Wells, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(9),pp 1201-1212, 2007. ]
==Steve Pieper==
== Interesting Contacts: ==
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/People/pieper Personal web page]
- At the SPL, Steve is the Engineering Core PI on the Neuroimage Analysis Center.
'''Carl-Fredrik Westin'''
- We discussed the GPU volume rendering that Ralph Brecheisen has made in our Image Guided Surgery group. SPL is interested in our project and ''when back in Eindhoven, Bram should discuss the sharing of the source code with Bart ter Haar Romeny''. At SPL Ben Grauer, a master student of the ETH in Zürich, is currently implementing a CUDA based real time volume renderer in Slicer.
Director, Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging (LMI)
- [http://pnl.bwh.harvard.edu/people/profiles/kubicki.html Marek Kubicki] is working on a conversion tool for DTI data of different scanners. ''We also have such a tool, when back in Eindhoven, Bram should discuss the sharing of the source code with Bart ter Haar Romeny''.
Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
- Kerstin Kessel is a master student from Heidlberg University in Germany and she is working on implementing the DTI conversion tool and tensor calculation in Slicer. Immediate visualization of the fiber tracks or glyphs can help figure out the correct settings for certain DTI data.
''Keep in Mind''
MICCAI 2008 Tutorial: [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/DMRI08 Diffusion MRI: Technology trends and unsolved problems]
- Steve pointed out a [http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Events:June-Germany Slicer training event] in Germany June 16/17 that might be interesting for our students.
- Sending students to their masters at SPL is a good option.
''Papers to consider:''
[http://vesicle.nsi.edu/users/izhikevich/publications/large-scale_model_of_human_brain.htm Large-Scale Model of Mammalian Thalamocortical Systems, Eugene M. Izhikevich and Gerald M. Edelman, PNAS (2008) 105:3593-3598]
''Interesting Publications:''
==Carl-Fredrik Westin==
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/mahnazISBI08.html A Mathematical Framework for Incorporating Anatomical Knowledge in DT-MRI analysis]
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/~westin/ Personal web page]
Mahnaz Maddah, Lilla Zöllei, W. Eric L. Grimson, Carl-Fredrik Westin, William M. Wells
Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, France
- Carl-Fredrik Westin is the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging (LMI) and Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School.
... The whole [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/all.html publication list] is very interesting especially for [https://venus.tue.nl/ep-cgi/ep_detail.opl?on=44422&taal=US&voor_org_id=&rn=20011434 Luc Florack] and [https://venus.tue.nl/ep-cgi/ep_detail.opl?taal=NL&rn=19961226 Remco Duits] at the "Scale and Orientation" group of the TU/e ...
- Together with [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/~gk/ Gordon Kindlmann] we discussed our research.  
'''Stephen Whalen'''
''Papers to consider:''
Research Assistant
The whole [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/all.html publication list] is very interesting especially for [https://venus.tue.nl/ep-cgi/ep_detail.opl?on=44422&taal=US&voor_org_id=&rn=20011434 Luc Florack] and [https://venus.tue.nl/ep-cgi/ep_detail.opl?taal=NL&rn=19961226 Remco Duits] at the "Scale and Orientation" group of the TU/e.
Golby Lab
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/mahnazISBI08.html A Mathematical Framework for Incorporating Anatomical Knowledge in DT-MRI analysis], Mahnaz Maddah, Lilla Zöllei, W. Eric L. Grimson, Carl-Fredrik Westin, William M. Wells Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, France 2008
''Interesting Publications:''
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/pdfs/2007/odonnellTMI07.pdf Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas], Lauren J. O'Donnell, Carl-Fredrik Westin IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2007
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/pdfs/2007/niethammerMICCAI07.pdf Outlier Rejection for Diffusion Weigthed Imaging], Marc Niethammer, Sylvain Bouix, Santiago Aja-Fernandez, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Martha E. Shenton Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI '07) 2007
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18095898?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Role of pre- and intraoperative imaging and neuronavigation in neurosurgery.] Expert Rev Med Devices. 2008 Jan;5(1):65-73.
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/pdfs/2007/aja-fernandezMICCAI07.pdf Signal LMMSE Estimation from Multiple Samples in MRI and DT-MRI], Santiago Aja-Fernandez, Carlos Alberola-Lopez, Carl-Fredrik Westin Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI '07) 2007
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18044565?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Tract-based morphometry.] Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2007;10(Pt 2):161-8
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/dauguetNeuroImage07.html Comparison of fiber tracts derived from in-vivo DTI tractography with 3D histological neural tract tracer reconstruction on a macaque brain], Julien Dauguet, Sharon Peled, Vladimir Berezovskii, Thierry Delzescaux, Simon K. Warfield, Richard Born, Carl-Fredrik Westin NeuroImage 2007
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17289403&ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Non-rigid alignment of pre-operative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery.] Neuroimage. 2007 Apr 1;35(2):609-24. Epub 2006 Dec 23.
[http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/papers/papers/dauguetMICCAI06.html 3D Histological Reconstruction of Fiber Tracts and Direct Comparison with Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography], Julien Dauguet, Sharon Peled, Vladimir Berezovskii, Thierry Delzescaux, Simon K. Warfield, Richard Born, Carl-Fredrik Westin Ninth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'06), Copenhagen, Denmark 2006
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17289403?dopt=AbstractPlus Non-rigid alignment of preoperative MRI, fMRI and DT-MRI with intraoperative MRI to enhance visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery.] Neuroimage, 2007 Apr 1;35(2):609-624.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=16279079&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI.] IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2005 Nov;24(11):1417-27.
''Keep in Mind''
MICCAI 2008 Tutorial: [http://lmi.bwh.harvard.edu/DMRI08 Diffusion MRI: Technology trends and unsolved problems]
'''William M. Wells III, (aka Sandy Wells)'''
Associate Professor
==Stephen Whalen==
Department of Radiology
Harvard Medical School and
Brigham and Women's Hospital
[http://golbylab.bwh.harvard.edu/people_stephen.html Personal web page]
My work has focused primarily on the analysis of structural and functional MRI. Areas of research include the segmentation and registration of MRI, with some emphasis on applications in image-guided surgery. The figure on the upper right illustrates the white matter surface of a brain that was segmented from MRI using Adaptive Segmentation of MRI (the "EM Segmenter") .
- Does interesting research on presenting fMRI and DTI data to surgeons prior to the operation.
My research in medical image registration concerns the use of Mutual Information as a criterion for image fusion. This approach has become the de-facto standard for multi-modality problems. Implementations of this method are available in 3D Slicer, our open-source platform for medical image analysis, and in ITK, an NIH sponsored segmentation and registration library.
''Interesting Publications:''
''Interesting Publications:''
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18095898?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Role of pre- and intraoperative imaging and neuronavigation in neurosurgery.] Expert Rev Med Devices. 2008 Jan;5(1):65-73.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18044565?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Tract-based morphometry.] Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2007;10(Pt 2):161-8
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17289403&ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Non-rigid alignment of pre-operative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery.] Neuroimage. 2007 Apr 1;35(2):609-24. Epub 2006 Dec 23.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=16279079&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI.] IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2005 Nov;24(11):1417-27.
==Bruce Fischl==
[http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/martinos/people/showPerson.php?people_id=56 Personal web page]
[http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ Lab's Wiki page]
- Does interesting research together with [http://people.csail.mit.edu/koen/ Koen van Leemput] on automated brain segmentation in the aria of our interest, the thalamus and the surrounding nuclei.
A Bayesian Model for Joint Segmentation and Registration. Pohl K, Fisher J, Grimson WEL, Kikinis R, Wells W. Neuroimage (to appear)
[http://people.csail.mit.edu/welg/papers/integrated2001.pdf An Integrated Visualization System for Surgical Planning and Guidance Using Image Fusion and an Open MR.] Gering D, Nabavi A, Kikinis R, Hata N, O'Donnell L, Grimson E, Jolesz F, Black P, Wells WM. JMRI 2001; 13:967-975
''Interesting Publications''
[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/ftp/articles/fischl02-labeling.pdf Whole Brain Segmentation: Automated Labeling of Neuroanatomical Structures in the Human Brain], Fischl, B., D.H. Salat, E. Busa, M. Albert, M. Dieterich, C. Haselgrove, A. van der Kouwe, R. Killiany, D. Kennedy, S. Klaveness, A. Montillo, N. Makris, B. Rosen, and A.M. Dale, (2002). Neuron, 33:341-355.
'''Benjamin Grauer'''
[http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/~fischl/reprints/sequence_independent_segmentation_reprint.pdf Sequence-Independent Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images], Fischl, B., Salat, D.H., van der Kouwe, A.J.W., Makris, N., Ségonne, F., and Dale, A.M. (2004) NeuroImage 23:S69-S84.
[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/ftp/articles/AtlasSeg_TMI2007April.pdf Atlas Renormalization for Improved Brain MR Image Segmentation Across Scanner Platforms], Han, X. and B. Fischl, (2007). IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(4):479-486.
Have a look at [http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/2008_Winter_Project_Week_VolumeRendering 2008 Winter Project Week VolumeRendering]
- I have contacted Koen van Leemput for more publications on the matter of automatic segmentation.
'''Junichi Tokuda'''
==Florin Talos==
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/People/talos Personal web page]
Junichi Tokuda is a Research Fellow of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He received a B.S in Engineering in 2002, a M.S. in Information Science and Technology in 2004, and a Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology in 2007, from The University of Tokyo, Japan. His main research interest is MRI guided therapy including MR pulse sequence, navigation software, MRI-compatible robot and integration of these technologies for operating environment. He has been working on this area since 2001, and has broad experience in developing software and devices for these applications. For example, the software to assist MRI-guided microwave coagulation therapy of liver tumor, which he developed at Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan, has already been used in more than 100 clinical cases. He joined the Image Guided Therapy Program at Brigham and Women's Hospital since April 2007, and continues to work on MR-guided therapy.
- Does very interesting research on ontology, DTI, anatomical analysis of Basal Ganglia, etc. Very related to our work.
'''Haiying Liu'''
''Interesting Publications''
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/Special:Publications?authorfirst=N&authorlast=Archip Archip's papers]
Talk about: Slicer, OpenIGT Link, tutorial, tools, engineering
[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/pages/Special:Publications?authorfirst=N&authorlast=talos Talos' papers]

Latest revision as of 19:32, 10 April 2008

Home < User talk:Platel

Information on Bram Platel & TU/e

About Image Analysis at the Eindhoven University of Technology

Bio and Publication List of Bram Platel

Image Guided Surgery Group

Multivalued Image Analysis & Visualization

Possible Topics of Collaboration

Surgical Planning / Intra-Operative Guidance for Brain Tumor Resection

We have a Medtronic Polestar N20, we would like to use pre-operative data: fMRI, DTI and register this with the Polestar data during the surgery. SPL has many researchers working on registration of these modalities. Using Slicer for the registration is a good option. Exchange of students to work on registration projects is interesting as well. We have a robust method for initialization-less registration that might be interesting for integration into Slicer.

Integration of Medtronic's StealthLink into Slicer (OpenIGT Link)

We will use Medtronic's Stealth Station for navigation. We will have a student project to develop an interface with Medtronic's Stealth Link software. We hope that with the help of Junichi and Haiying we can develop a sort of proxy that translates Medtronic's StealthLink protocol into OpenIGT Link. This will make our software integrate with other systems and on the other hand it is useful for Medtronic, as this enables the use of their system in OpenIGT Link-compatible software like Slicer.

(I'm meeting Leslie Holton, StealthLink Coordinator of Medtronic on the 22nd of April)

GPU Based Visualization

Our group has a multi-volume ray casting engine based on VTK. This volume renderer supports multiple volumes, (transparent) geometric shapes, convex and concave clipping geometry, transferfunction editing, etc. The ray caster is based on VTK classes and could be implemented into Slicer. This could be made into a student project.

DTI Validation with Tracer/Anatomical Studies

As soon as more detailes are available on our research on DTI validation with tracer studies and anatomical slices, we will contact CF Westin who has extensive knowledge on the subject, through studies on macaque monkeys. Perhaps we can use his groups knowledge and software for the analysis of our human and rat brain studies.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Anna Vilanova's Multivalued Image Analysis & Visualization research group at the Eindhoven University of Technology is specialized in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Exchange of students might be a good way to exchange knowledge. The DTI tool built by Anna's group is open source and based on VTK. Integration into Slicer would be possible.

Diffusion Data Compatibly

Steve Pieper has asked for information on the Philips DTI data structure, we will look into this and provide the information we have on importing DTI data (we have our own tool for this). More information on NAMIC's DTI / DWI

Note on Student Exchange Possibilities

Student projects should contain enough research to be acceptable as master projects. This means that they have to be well defined and should not only contain the wrapping of existing code.

Also the students are in general Biomedical Engineering students that have limited programming knowledge/affinity in C++.

Noby Hata is willing to come and give a colloquium/lecture

I will talk to Bart ter Haar Romeny to discuss the possibility for Noby to come to Eindhoven and give a lecture on the research at SPL and demonstrate Slicer.

Main Contact

Nobuhiko (Noby) Hata

Personal web page


Ron Kikinis

Personal web page

- Dr. Kikinis is the founding Director of the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. This laboratory was founded in 1990.

Publication List SPL

Junichi Tokuda Ph.D.

Personal web page

- Built robot for prostate cancer biopsy, this robot is currently no longer in use since the open MR-scanner is out of business.

- Currently working on the Open IGT Link network protocol. This protocol will be supported by IGstk and is designed to send information like image data, tracker locations, scanner protocols, etc. over a network. We will have to see if this protocol is useful for us next to Medtronic's StealthLink software. Perhaps we could build a translating proxy that translates Medtronic's StealthLink protocol to Open IGT Link, so that our applications can be Open IGT Link compatible.

Haying Liu

- Slicer software engineer, involved in maintaining the software/source code. - Demo'ed the Slicer software to me and helped me build the application from SVN. Showed me how to build a command line module and demonstrated the use of the Aurora navigation system with Slicer.

William (Sandy) Wells

Personal web page

- Discussed the correction of the distortion of our Medtronic Polestar N20 scanner. Wells pointed out several papers on image registration that might be useful, but the scanners resolution is probably too low, with a too small FOV, and there are too many artifacts for an accurate registration. - Wells is currently working on a large study on fMRI data of Schizophrenia patients.

Papers to consider:

A Bayesian Model for Joint Segmentation and Registration, Pohl K, Fisher J, Grimson WEL, Kikinis R, Wells W. Neuroimage 31, 2006

A Mathematical Framework for Incorporating Anatomical Knowledge in DT-MRI Analysis, M. Maddah, L. Zöllei, W.E.L. Grimson, C.F. Westin, W.M. Wells III, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro, May 2008, Paris, France

Geometry Driven Volumetric Registration, G.M. Postelnicu, L . Zöllei, R. Desikan, B. Fischl, Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2007, LNCS 4584 pp. 675-686

A hierarchical algorithm for MR brain image parcellation, K.M. Pohl, S. Bouix, M. Nakamura, T. Rohlfing, R.W. McCarley, R. Kikinis, W.E.L. Grimson, M.E. Shenton, and W.M. Wells, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(9),pp 1201-1212, 2007. ]

Steve Pieper

Personal web page

- At the SPL, Steve is the Engineering Core PI on the Neuroimage Analysis Center.

- We discussed the GPU volume rendering that Ralph Brecheisen has made in our Image Guided Surgery group. SPL is interested in our project and when back in Eindhoven, Bram should discuss the sharing of the source code with Bart ter Haar Romeny. At SPL Ben Grauer, a master student of the ETH in Zürich, is currently implementing a CUDA based real time volume renderer in Slicer.

- Marek Kubicki is working on a conversion tool for DTI data of different scanners. We also have such a tool, when back in Eindhoven, Bram should discuss the sharing of the source code with Bart ter Haar Romeny.

- Kerstin Kessel is a master student from Heidlberg University in Germany and she is working on implementing the DTI conversion tool and tensor calculation in Slicer. Immediate visualization of the fiber tracks or glyphs can help figure out the correct settings for certain DTI data.

Note: - Steve pointed out a Slicer training event in Germany June 16/17 that might be interesting for our students.

- Sending students to their masters at SPL is a good option.

Papers to consider:

Large-Scale Model of Mammalian Thalamocortical Systems, Eugene M. Izhikevich and Gerald M. Edelman, PNAS (2008) 105:3593-3598

Carl-Fredrik Westin

Personal web page

- Carl-Fredrik Westin is the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging (LMI) and Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School.

- Together with Gordon Kindlmann we discussed our research.

Papers to consider:

The whole publication list is very interesting especially for Luc Florack and Remco Duits at the "Scale and Orientation" group of the TU/e.

A Mathematical Framework for Incorporating Anatomical Knowledge in DT-MRI analysis, Mahnaz Maddah, Lilla Zöllei, W. Eric L. Grimson, Carl-Fredrik Westin, William M. Wells Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, France 2008

Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas, Lauren J. O'Donnell, Carl-Fredrik Westin IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2007

Outlier Rejection for Diffusion Weigthed Imaging, Marc Niethammer, Sylvain Bouix, Santiago Aja-Fernandez, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Martha E. Shenton Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI '07) 2007

Signal LMMSE Estimation from Multiple Samples in MRI and DT-MRI, Santiago Aja-Fernandez, Carlos Alberola-Lopez, Carl-Fredrik Westin Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI '07) 2007

Comparison of fiber tracts derived from in-vivo DTI tractography with 3D histological neural tract tracer reconstruction on a macaque brain, Julien Dauguet, Sharon Peled, Vladimir Berezovskii, Thierry Delzescaux, Simon K. Warfield, Richard Born, Carl-Fredrik Westin NeuroImage 2007

3D Histological Reconstruction of Fiber Tracts and Direct Comparison with Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography, Julien Dauguet, Sharon Peled, Vladimir Berezovskii, Thierry Delzescaux, Simon K. Warfield, Richard Born, Carl-Fredrik Westin Ninth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'06), Copenhagen, Denmark 2006

Keep in Mind

MICCAI 2008 Tutorial: Diffusion MRI: Technology trends and unsolved problems

Stephen Whalen

Personal web page

- Does interesting research on presenting fMRI and DTI data to surgeons prior to the operation.

Interesting Publications:

Role of pre- and intraoperative imaging and neuronavigation in neurosurgery. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2008 Jan;5(1):65-73.

Tract-based morphometry. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2007;10(Pt 2):161-8

Non-rigid alignment of pre-operative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery. Neuroimage. 2007 Apr 1;35(2):609-24. Epub 2006 Dec 23.

Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2005 Nov;24(11):1417-27.

Bruce Fischl

Personal web page

Lab's Wiki page

- Does interesting research together with Koen van Leemput on automated brain segmentation in the aria of our interest, the thalamus and the surrounding nuclei.

Interesting Publications

Whole Brain Segmentation: Automated Labeling of Neuroanatomical Structures in the Human Brain, Fischl, B., D.H. Salat, E. Busa, M. Albert, M. Dieterich, C. Haselgrove, A. van der Kouwe, R. Killiany, D. Kennedy, S. Klaveness, A. Montillo, N. Makris, B. Rosen, and A.M. Dale, (2002). Neuron, 33:341-355.

Sequence-Independent Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images, Fischl, B., Salat, D.H., van der Kouwe, A.J.W., Makris, N., Ségonne, F., and Dale, A.M. (2004) NeuroImage 23:S69-S84.

Atlas Renormalization for Improved Brain MR Image Segmentation Across Scanner Platforms, Han, X. and B. Fischl, (2007). IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(4):479-486.

- I have contacted Koen van Leemput for more publications on the matter of automatic segmentation.

Florin Talos

Personal web page

- Does very interesting research on ontology, DTI, anatomical analysis of Basal Ganglia, etc. Very related to our work.

Interesting Publications

Archip's papers

Talos' papers