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*Curve fitting
**Implemented as Python scripts (using SciPy)
**Curve fitting
**Users are allowed to edit the Python scripts
***Implemented as Python scripts (using SciPy)
*Parameter map
***Users are allowed to edit the Python scripts
**Perform curve fitting for each voxel
**Parameter map
**Generate parameter map volume
***Perform curve fitting for each voxel
***Generate parameter map volume

Revision as of 17:50, 28 February 2009

Home < Slicer3:FourDAnalysis


The 4D Analysis Module allows you to load, visualize and analyze a time-series of 3D images (4D image) on 3D Slicer. Currently, the module offers the following functions:

  • 4D image loader. The module can load up a series of 3D images from a specified directory. It analyzes DICOM header of the files in the directory and split them into time-frames, even if all frames have the same series number. The module can also read a directory, which contains NRRD files.
  • Time scroll. The module provides a scroll-bar interface to scroll the frame in time-direction. It allows you to scroll the frame for foreground and background screens independently to compare two images at the different time points.
  • Intensity plot. The module can draw intensity curve at the specified region of interest.
  • Series registration. The module provides a user-interface to perform image registration for each frame with a key frame. This function is useful if you want to perform intensity curve analysis on a series of images of an organ moving through the frames.


Currently, the module is only available in the NAMICSandBox repository. Before you start, you need to have the latest 3D Slicer built from the source code. Please follow the instruction to build 3D Slicer in you environment.

To install 4D Analysis Module in your 3D Slicer, first obtain the source code and put it into the module source directory: (Suppose you compile Slicer under <working directory>)

 cd <working directory>/Slicer3/Modules
 svn co http://svn.na-mic.org/NAMICSandBox/trunk/FourDAnalysis FourDAnalysis

Then edit CMakeFiles.txt in the Modules directory. Around line 69 (at the end of subdir()), insert the following code:

   FourDAnalysis                       <- this line!!

Go to the module directory in the directory, and run make to configure and build the module.

 cd <working directory>/Slicer3-build/Modules

If the module is successfully compiled, the module should be in the menu of 3D Slicer.


  • Functions:
    • Curve fitting
      • Implemented as Python scripts (using SciPy)
      • Users are allowed to edit the Python scripts
    • Parameter map
      • Perform curve fitting for each voxel
      • Generate parameter map volume



This work is supported by NIH (5R21CA116271: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of pulmonary nodule at 3T, PI: Hiroto Hatabu), NA-MIC, and NCIGT.