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== [[Projects:DTIPopulationAnalysis|Population Analysis from Deformable Registration]] ==
== [[Projects:MultimodalAtlas|Multimodal Atlas]] ==
Analysis of populations of diffusion images typically requires time-consuming manual segmentation of structures of interest to obtain correspondance for statistics.  This project uses non-rigid registration of DTI images to produce a common coordinate system for hypothesis testing of diffusion properties. [[Projects:DTIPopulationAnalysis|More...]]
In this work, we propose and investigate an algorithm that jointly co-registers a collection of images while computing multiple templates. The algorithm, called '''iCluster''', is used to compute multiple atlases for a given population.
<font color="red">'''New: '''</font> Casey B. Goodlett, P. Thomas Fletcher, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Group Analysis of DTI Fiber Tract Statistics with Application to Neurodevelopment. NeuroImage 45 (1) Supp. 1, 2009. p. S133-S142.
<font color="red">'''New: '''</font> Image-driven Population Analysis through Mixture-Modeling, M.R. Sabuncu, S.K. Balci, M.E. Shenton and P. Golland. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Accepted for Publication, 2009.
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== [[Projects:MultimodalAtlas|Multimodal Atlas]] ==
== [[Projects:SphericalDemons|Spherical Demons: Fast Surface Registration]] ==
We present the fast Spherical Demons algorithm for registering two spherical images. By exploiting spherical vector spline interpolation theory, we show that a large class of regularizers for the modified demons objective function can be efficiently approximated on the sphere using convolution. Based on the one parameter subgroups of diffeomorphisms, [[Projects:SphericalDemons|More...]]
<font color="red">'''New: '''</font> B.T.T. Yeo, M. Sabuncu, T. Vercauteren, N. Ayache, B. Fischl, P. Golland. Spherical Demons: Fast Surface Registration. MICCAI, volume 5241 of LNCS, 745--753, 2008.
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In this work, we propose and investigate an algorithm that jointly co-registers a collection of images while computing multiple templates. The algorithm, called '''iCluster''', is used to compute multiple atlases for a given population.
== [[Projects:RegistrationRegularization|Optimal Atlas Regularization in Image Segmentation]] ==
<font color="red">'''NEW: '''</font> Image-driven Population Analysis through Mixture-Modeling, M.R. Sabuncu, S.K. Balci, M.E. Shenton and P. Golland. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Accepted for Publication, 2009.
We propose a unified framework for computing atlases from manually labeled data sets at various degrees of “sharpness” and the joint registration and segmentation of a new brain with these atlases. Using this framework, we investigate the tradeoff between warp regularization and image fidelity, i.e. the smoothness of the new subject warp and the sharpness of the atlas in a segmentation application.
<font color="red">'''New:'''</font> B.T.T. Yeo, M.R. Sabuncu, R. Desikan, B. Fischl, P. Golland. Effects of Registration Regularization and Atlas Sharpness on Segmentation Accuracy. Medical Image Analysis, 12(5):603--615, 2008.
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== [[Projects:DTIPopulationAnalysis|Population Analysis from Deformable Registration]] ==
Analysis of populations of diffusion images typically requires time-consuming manual segmentation of structures of interest to obtain correspondance for statistics.  This project uses non-rigid registration of DTI images to produce a common coordinate system for hypothesis testing of diffusion properties. [[Projects:DTIPopulationAnalysis|More...]]
<font color="red">'''New: '''</font> Casey B. Goodlett, P. Thomas Fletcher, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Group Analysis of DTI Fiber Tract Statistics with Application to Neurodevelopment. NeuroImage 45 (1) Supp. 1, 2009. p. S133-S142.

Revision as of 16:46, 2 September 2009

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Structural Image Analysis

Image Segmentation


Bayesian Segmentation of MRI Images

In this project we develop and validate a method for fully automated segmentation of the subfields of the hippocampus in ultra-high resolution in vivo MRI. More...

New: Automated Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields from Ultra-High Resolution In Vivo MRI, K. Van Leemput, A. Bakkour, T. Benner, G. Wiggins, L.L. Wald, J. Augustinack, B.C. Dickerson, P. Golland, and B. Fischl. Hippocampus. Accepted for Publication, 2009.

Encoding Probabilistic Atlases Using Bayesian Inference, K. Van Leemput. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Accepted for Publication, 2009.

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Kernel PCA for Segmentation

Segmentation performances using active contours can be drastically improved if the possible shapes of the object of interest are learnt. The goal of this work is to use Kernel PCA to learn shape priors. Kernel PCA allows for learning non linear dependencies in data sets, leading to more robust shape priors. More...

New: S. Dambreville, Y. Rathi, and A. Tannenbaum. A Framework for Image Segmentation using Image Shape Models and Kernel PCA Shape Priors. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2008 Aug;30(8):1385-99

Image Registration


Cortical Correspondence using Particle System

In this project, we want to compute cortical correspondence on populations, using various features such as cortical structure, DTI connectivity, vascular structure, and functional data (fMRI). This presents a challenge because of the highly convoluted surface of the cortex, as well as because of the different properties of the data features we want to incorporate together. More...

New: Oguz I, Niethammer M, Cates J, Whitaker R, Fletcher T, Vachet C, Styner M. “Cortical Correspondence with Probabilistic Fiber Connectivity”. Proc. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2009.

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Multimodal Atlas

In this work, we propose and investigate an algorithm that jointly co-registers a collection of images while computing multiple templates. The algorithm, called iCluster, is used to compute multiple atlases for a given population. More...

New: Image-driven Population Analysis through Mixture-Modeling, M.R. Sabuncu, S.K. Balci, M.E. Shenton and P. Golland. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Accepted for Publication, 2009.


Spherical Demons: Fast Surface Registration

We present the fast Spherical Demons algorithm for registering two spherical images. By exploiting spherical vector spline interpolation theory, we show that a large class of regularizers for the modified demons objective function can be efficiently approximated on the sphere using convolution. Based on the one parameter subgroups of diffeomorphisms, More...

New: B.T.T. Yeo, M. Sabuncu, T. Vercauteren, N. Ayache, B. Fischl, P. Golland. Spherical Demons: Fast Surface Registration. MICCAI, volume 5241 of LNCS, 745--753, 2008.


Optimal Atlas Regularization in Image Segmentation

We propose a unified framework for computing atlases from manually labeled data sets at various degrees of “sharpness” and the joint registration and segmentation of a new brain with these atlases. Using this framework, we investigate the tradeoff between warp regularization and image fidelity, i.e. the smoothness of the new subject warp and the sharpness of the atlas in a segmentation application. More...

New: B.T.T. Yeo, M.R. Sabuncu, R. Desikan, B. Fischl, P. Golland. Effects of Registration Regularization and Atlas Sharpness on Segmentation Accuracy. Medical Image Analysis, 12(5):603--615, 2008.


Population Analysis from Deformable Registration

Analysis of populations of diffusion images typically requires time-consuming manual segmentation of structures of interest to obtain correspondance for statistics. This project uses non-rigid registration of DTI images to produce a common coordinate system for hypothesis testing of diffusion properties. More...

New: Casey B. Goodlett, P. Thomas Fletcher, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Group Analysis of DTI Fiber Tract Statistics with Application to Neurodevelopment. NeuroImage 45 (1) Supp. 1, 2009. p. S133-S142.

Morphometric Measures and Shape Analysis

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Label Space: A Coupled Multi-Shape Representation

Many techniques for multi-shape representation may often develop inaccuracies stemming from either approximations or inherent variation. Label space is an implicit representation that offers unbiased algebraic manipulation and natural expression of label uncertainty. We demonstrate smoothing and registration on multi-label brain MRI. More...

New: J. Malcolm, Y. Rathi, A. Tannenbaum. "Label Space: A Multi-Object Shape Representation." In Combinatorial Image Analysis, 2008.

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Shape Analysis Framework using SPHARM-PDM

The UNC shape analysis is based on an analysis framework of objects with spherical topology, described mainly by sampled spherical harmonics SPHARM-PDM. The input of the shape analysis framework is a set of binary segmentations of a single brain structure, such as the hippocampus or caudate. These segmentations are converted into a shape description (SPHARM) with correspondence and analyzed via Hotelling T^2 two sample metric. More...

New: Zhao Z., Taylor W., Styner M., Steffens D., Krishnan R., Macfall J. , Hippocampus shape analysis and late-life depression. PLoS ONE. 2008 Mar 19;3(3):e1837.


Non Parametric Clustering for Biomolecular Structural Analysis

High accuracy imaging and image processing techniques allow for collecting structural information of biomolecules with atomistic accuracy. Direct interpretation of the dynamics and the functionality of these structures with physical models, is yet to be developed. Clustering of molecular conformations into classes seems to be the first stage in recovering the formation and the functionality of these molecules. More...

New: E. Hershkovits, A. Tannenbaum, and R. Tannenbaum. Adsorption of Block Copolymers from Selective Solvents on Curved Surfaces. Macromolecules. 2008.