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(Created page with 'Quantifying magnetic susceptibility in the brain from the phase of the MR signal provides a non-invasive means for measuring the accumulation of iron believed to occur with aging…')
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show better correlation with postmortem iron concentrations than
show better correlation with postmortem iron concentrations than
competing methods.
competing methods.
= Description =
There is increasing evidence that excessive iron deposition in specifi�c regions
of the brain is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's
and Parkinson's disease [1]. The role of iron in the pathogenesis of these diseases
remains unknown and is difficult to determine without a non-invasive method
to quantify its concentration in-vivo. Since iron is a ferromagnetic substance,
changes in iron concentration result in local changes in the magnetic suscepti-
bility of tissue. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments, di�fferences
in magnetic susceptibility cause perturbations in the local magnetic fi�eld, which
can be computed from the phase of the MR signal.
The advent of high �field MRI has made it possible for subtle diff�erences in
susceptibility to measurably aff�ect the phase of the MR signal. This has raised
the possibility that estimating magnetic susceptibility from high �field phase data
may provide a new means for quantifying iron concentration in-vivo.
The �field perturbations caused by magnetic susceptibility diff�erences can be
modeled as the convolution of a dipole-like kernel with the spatial susceptibility
distribution. In the Fourier domain, the kernel exhibits zeros at the magic angle,
preventing direct inversion of the fieldmap [3]. Critically, limited observations of
the fi�eld make the problem ill-posed. The observed data is also corrupted by con-
founding biasfields (ie. those from tissue-air interfaces, mis-set shims, and other
non-local sources). Eliminating these fi�elds is critical for accurate susceptibility
estimation since they corrupt the phase contributions from local susceptibility
In general, methods that rely heavily on agreement between observed and
predicted �field values computed using kernel-based forward models [2, 3, 6] are in-
herently limited since they cannot distinguish between low frequency biasfi�elds
and susceptibility distributions that are eigenfunctions of the model. Examples
of such distributions include constant, linear, and quadratic functions of suscep-
tibility along the main �field (ie. 'z') direction. Applying the forward model to
these distributions results in predicted �fields that are proportional to the local
susceptibility sources, but also identical in form to non-local bias�fields (ie. those
produced by a z-shim). Therefore, removing all low frequency �fields prior to
susceptibility estimation will eliminate the bias�field as well as �fields due to the
sources of interest, potentially preventing accurate calculation of the underlying
susceptibility values. In contrast, inadequate removal of the bias�field may result
in the estimation of artifactual susceptibility eigenfunctions in areas where the
bias�field is strong, such as regions adjacent to tissue-air interfaces. This suggests
that additional information such as boundary conditions or priors may be neces-
sary to regularize an incomplete forward model and prevent the mis-estimation
of low frequency biasfields.
We present a variational approach for Atlas-based Susceptibility Mapping
(ASM) that performs simultaneous susceptibility estimation and bias�field re-
moval using the Laplacian operator and a tissue-air susceptibility atlas. In [7,
8, 6] it was shown that applying the Laplacian to the observed �field eliminates
non-local biasfields. Since MR systems contain active shims that produce bias-
�elds based on a spherical harmonic expansion [9], which is a solution to the
Laplace equation, the eff�ects of any mis-set shims and remote susceptibility dis-
tributions (ie. the neck/chest) are e�ffectively eliminated by taking the Laplacian
of the observed magnetic fi�eld. Since eigenfunction susceptibility distributions in the brain cannot be distin-
guished from low frequency bias�fields using phase information alone, additional
modeling in the form of priors or atlases is needed to resolve this ambiguity.
In this method, large deviations from the susceptibility atlas are penalized,
discouraging the estimation of artifactual susceptibility values in regions near
tissue-air boundaries where the Laplacian may not be sufficient to eliminate the
contribution of non-local sources and substantial signal loss corrupts the ob-
served �field. Agreement of predicted and observed �fields
within the brain is also enforced, but deviations in estimated susceptibility values outside the
brain are not penalized, allowing values at the bound-
ary to vary from the atlas-based prior to account for unmodeled external �field
sources (ie. shims).

Revision as of 20:20, 24 March 2011

Home < Projects:QuantitativeSusceptibilityMapping

Quantifying magnetic susceptibility in the brain from the phase of the MR signal provides a non-invasive means for measuring the accumulation of iron believed to occur with aging and neurodegenerative disease. Phase observations from local susceptibility distributions, however, are corrupted by external biasfields, which may be identical to the sources of interest. Furthermore, limited observations of the phase makes the inversion ill-posed. We describe a variational approach to susceptibility estimation that incorporates a tissue-air atlas to resolve ambiguity in the forward model, while eliminating additional biasfields through application of the Laplacian. Results show qualitative improvement over two methods commonly used to infer underlying susceptibility values, and quantitative susceptibility estimates show better correlation with postmortem iron concentrations than competing methods.


There is increasing evidence that excessive iron deposition in specifi�c regions of the brain is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease [1]. The role of iron in the pathogenesis of these diseases remains unknown and is difficult to determine without a non-invasive method to quantify its concentration in-vivo. Since iron is a ferromagnetic substance, changes in iron concentration result in local changes in the magnetic suscepti- bility of tissue. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments, di�fferences in magnetic susceptibility cause perturbations in the local magnetic fi�eld, which can be computed from the phase of the MR signal. The advent of high �field MRI has made it possible for subtle diff�erences in susceptibility to measurably aff�ect the phase of the MR signal. This has raised the possibility that estimating magnetic susceptibility from high �field phase data may provide a new means for quantifying iron concentration in-vivo.

The �field perturbations caused by magnetic susceptibility diff�erences can be modeled as the convolution of a dipole-like kernel with the spatial susceptibility distribution. In the Fourier domain, the kernel exhibits zeros at the magic angle, preventing direct inversion of the fieldmap [3]. Critically, limited observations of the fi�eld make the problem ill-posed. The observed data is also corrupted by con- founding biasfields (ie. those from tissue-air interfaces, mis-set shims, and other non-local sources). Eliminating these fi�elds is critical for accurate susceptibility estimation since they corrupt the phase contributions from local susceptibility sources.

In general, methods that rely heavily on agreement between observed and predicted �field values computed using kernel-based forward models [2, 3, 6] are in- herently limited since they cannot distinguish between low frequency biasfi�elds and susceptibility distributions that are eigenfunctions of the model. Examples of such distributions include constant, linear, and quadratic functions of suscep- tibility along the main �field (ie. 'z') direction. Applying the forward model to these distributions results in predicted �fields that are proportional to the local susceptibility sources, but also identical in form to non-local bias�fields (ie. those produced by a z-shim). Therefore, removing all low frequency �fields prior to susceptibility estimation will eliminate the bias�field as well as �fields due to the sources of interest, potentially preventing accurate calculation of the underlying susceptibility values. In contrast, inadequate removal of the bias�field may result in the estimation of artifactual susceptibility eigenfunctions in areas where the bias�field is strong, such as regions adjacent to tissue-air interfaces. This suggests that additional information such as boundary conditions or priors may be neces- sary to regularize an incomplete forward model and prevent the mis-estimation of low frequency biasfields.

We present a variational approach for Atlas-based Susceptibility Mapping (ASM) that performs simultaneous susceptibility estimation and bias�field re- moval using the Laplacian operator and a tissue-air susceptibility atlas. In [7, 8, 6] it was shown that applying the Laplacian to the observed �field eliminates non-local biasfields. Since MR systems contain active shims that produce bias- �elds based on a spherical harmonic expansion [9], which is a solution to the Laplace equation, the eff�ects of any mis-set shims and remote susceptibility dis- tributions (ie. the neck/chest) are e�ffectively eliminated by taking the Laplacian of the observed magnetic fi�eld. Since eigenfunction susceptibility distributions in the brain cannot be distin- guished from low frequency bias�fields using phase information alone, additional modeling in the form of priors or atlases is needed to resolve this ambiguity. In this method, large deviations from the susceptibility atlas are penalized, discouraging the estimation of artifactual susceptibility values in regions near tissue-air boundaries where the Laplacian may not be sufficient to eliminate the contribution of non-local sources and substantial signal loss corrupts the ob- served �field. Agreement of predicted and observed �fields within the brain is also enforced, but deviations in estimated susceptibility values outside the brain are not penalized, allowing values at the bound- ary to vary from the atlas-based prior to account for unmodeled external �field sources (ie. shims).