Steve Pieper of Isomics, Inc., is the Core PI for NAMIC Dissemination and Site PI for the BWH activities in the Engineering Core.
Email: pieper at
vim settings
Get to them on windows with
:e $VIM/_vimrc
or on unix with
:e ~/.vimrc
The values I use are:
" Steve Pieper's VIM preferences set nocompatible source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim "behave mswin " behave xterm set wildmode=longest,list set clipboard=unnamed set softtabstop=2 set expandtab set tabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set autoindent set matchpairs+=<:> " To match arguments of templates set cinoptions={1s,:0,l1,g0,c0,(0,(s,m1 " ITK/VTK style indenting set vb syntax on " cycle through buffers with control page up/down map <C-PageDown> :bn map <C-PageUp> :bp " delete current buffer with control delete map <C-Del> :bd " cycle through tags with control right/left map <C-Right> :tn map <C-Left> :tp
My windows cygwin.bat (launched by the shortcut). Requires rxvt and tcsh for cygwin. This is better for me because rxvt uses X-style cut and paste (middle mouse to paste) and tcsh can file complete with the drive letter (e.g. c:/Pro<Tab> --> c:/Program\ Files/ which bash won't do).
@echo off C: chdir C:\cygwin\bin set CYGWIN=binmode tty ntsec rxvt -e /bin/tcsh -l REM bash --login -i
Launching visual studio for slicer3 debugging
The you need to have the library paths set up correctly or the debugger won't find the dlls:
./Slicer3.exe --launch c:/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe --detach Slicer3.sln
Then go to the Slicer3-real project and right click on it and select Set As Startup Project from the menu. Then you can use F5 to compile and start the debugger.
Wiki backup
A quick and dirty way of backing up the wiki:
wget -r
as of January 2007, this results in 3.3G. This doesn't preserve the full history or wiki markup, but it's an easy way to get piece of mind.
Format Test
A page testing format options.
Pages with nice wiki formatting:
Some links
BIRN NAC Slides: