SDIWG:Meeting Minutes 20081001
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Dateline 20081001
Below is a list of subprojects within Biositemaps, the names in each list are engaged individuals. You are encouraged to be proactive in each subproject. Keep all informed as needed.
1. NCBO, CCB, NCIBI staff: Kick off tcon to coordinate Biositemaps NCBC supplements. Timeframe: Next week. I will circulate tcon request.
2. Peter: I think we have finished the first phase of NCBC tests of Biositemaps. I will ask all SDIWG tiger team members for extensive comments on the last 2 weeks’ prototype phase of adoption of biositemaps. We will look into all comments and get back to tiger team with fixes etc. Timeframe: next day to send request, one week to collect results.
3. NCBO staff Ivo and Beth: Edit and modify biositemaps web site to clearly separate (i) BRO API and (ii) Biositemaps toolkit and API. Also, please edit this site for readability (e.g., the web site should clearly state what the APIs are intended for). Timeframe: before CTSA meetings.
4. NCBO staff and Ivo: Develop Biositemaps toolkit as per offline discussions. Timeframe: weeks for design, possibly months to implement and test.
5. NCBO staff and Ivo talk about: lightweight BRO API. Timeframe: start immediately, plan activities out in next month.
6. NCBO staff: modify BioPortal to publish BRO and Biositemaps Information Model in one location with uncluttered GUI and reliable version control (e.g., latest version of BRO/IM should be pointed to from ncbcs/biositemaps page). Implement Biositemaps consumption/search capability in Bioportal: Timeframe: Before CTSA meetings.
7. Ivo, staff, and NCBO: modify iTools to consume biositemaps corpus that is created by biositemaps editor: Timeframe: Next month or longer. Should have solid plan by CTSA meetings.
8. Daniel and Peter: work with Mike Becich and Brian Athey to give them demo on cutting over from CTSA Spreadsheet (or similar) to Biositemaps. Develop canonical Biositemaps slideset. Timeframe: Start soon, finish by CTSA meetings Oct 16, 17.
9. NCBO staff and Maryann Martone: continue working to harmonize BRO with NIF(terminology). David Kennedy of NITRD has asked to be involved. Timeframe: Will meet in coming week, I believe. This is a long-term effort.
10. NCBO staff, Peter, Perry Miller and Louis Marenco: work to harmonize biostemaps with NIF(content). Timeframe: I have spoken with Perry and will work with help of Mark. This is a long-term effort.