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Home < UCLA-NA-MIC-2010-Kickoff
Back to 2010 Brainstorming
Planning the 3-year course:
- Roadmap project
- What will the DBP engineer work on?
- Development of multimodal workflows for TBI data of individual clinical cases
- Development of novel processing routines in C++, itk/vtk
- Generation of summary statistics describing the TBI-related injury
- Extent of lesion(s), ventricular size, white matter pathology impacting connectivity
- How such values change between acute and follow-up imaging sessions
- How these changes pertain to changes in clinical course/outcome
- Is the image data already in hand?
- Yes. Multiple MR-based data types already exist in addition to PET. We will also work with UCLA clinicians to obtain additional data where necessary.
- What will the DBP engineer work on?
- What modules for the NA-MIC Kit will result from this work?
- Many modules will be brought to the issues with TBI data. However, automated methods may not be robust enough for data where there has been a change in geometry, displacement of tissues, tissue death, surgical intervention, etc. We will work to identify places where such algorithms can receive user input to help conditionalize algorithm performance.
- Outreach
- Special workflows will be necessary to guide users/clinicians in the processing of the data
- Tutorial(s) will be posted on the wiki
- Presentation at a DBP conference for year 2
- Hands-on teaching event for the DBP scientific community for year 3
- DBP: Jack Van Horn, Paul Vespa, David Hovda, Arthur Toga
- Algo: Guido Gerig, Marcel Prastawa
- Eng: Steven Aylward