2011 Winter Project Week:SegEye
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Home < 2011 Winter Project Week:SegEye
- 3D Eye.png
Segmentation of eye ball
Key Investigators
- Georgia Tech: Ivan Kolesov and Allen Tannenbaum
- MGH: Gregory Sharp
- We are interested in segmenting the eye ball, lens, optic nerve, and the optic chiasm.
- Anatomical structures are highly sensitive to radiation.
- We are creating a framework to perform these segmentations, which is likely to require a different approach for each structures due to the proximity of multiple structures to each other.
- Pivotal organ is considered the eye since its segmentation will localize the region of interest when looking for other structures.
- We will reduce the dimensionality of this problem by performing model based segmentation for each structure.
- Once the eye is segmented, we use this knowledge to locate the lens/ initialize optic nerve segmentation.
- We would like to leverage the information provided by a CT scan with additional data from an MRI -- we have to consider this registration problem.
- We have the eye ball segmentation.