DTI Tractography Challenge Datasets

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Home < DTI Tractography Challenge Datasets

Neurosurgical Datasets

Neurosurgical Case 1

  • Clinical Case: Astrocytoma, World Health Organization (WHO) grade III
  • Acquistion Parameters

Data were acquired on a 3.0-T scanner (EXCITE Signa scanner, GE Medical System, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) with Excite 14.0 using an 8-channel head coil.
T1 SPGR: TR=7500 ms; TE=30 ms; matrix 256x256; FOV 25.6 cm ; 1-mm slice thickness
T2 GRE: TR=8000 ms; TE=98 ms; matrix 512x512; voxel size 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.5 mm
DWI Singe shot EPI: TR=14 000ms; TE=30 ms; 31 gradient directions, 1 baseline ; b-value = 1000 s/mm2 ; matrix 128x128; 2.6 mm slice thickness
Segmentation: The file patient1-tumor.nhdr & raw is labelmap which contains the segmented structures: label #1 represents the solid part of the tumor; label #2 represents the cystic part of the tumor.

Neurosurgical Case 2

  • Clinical Case: Oligoastrocytoma,WHO grade II
  • Acquistion Parameters

Data were acquired on a 3.0-T scanner (EXCITE Signa scanner, GE Medical System, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) with Excite 14.0 using an 8-channel head coil.
T1 SPGR: TR=7500 ms; TE=30 ms; matrix 256x256; FOV 25.6 cm ; 1-mm slice thickness
T2 GRE: TR=8000 ms; TE=98 ms; matrix 512x512; voxel size 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.5 mm
DWI Singe shot EPI: TR=14 000ms; TE=30 ms; 55 gradient directions, 1 baseline ; b-value = 1000 s/mm2 ; matrix 128x128; 2.6 mm slice thickness
Segmentation: The file patient2-tumor.nhdr & raw is labelmap which contains the segmented structures: label #1 represents the solid part of the tumor; label #2 represents the cystic part of the tumor.

Control subjects Datasets

Two adult control subject datasets will be available for this challenge. For both subjects we have 10 repetitions of the DTI acquisitions. All scans were done on the same type of scanner (Siemens Tim Trio) at 5 different institutions. We also provide structural images (T1 and T2) of the same two subjects.

Here are the details of the DTI acquisition parameters:

  • 25 directions + 1 B0
  • Variable b-value (range between 50 and 1000) - Each diffusion weighted image has a different b value.
  • Spacial resolution of 1.97x1.97x2mm
  • Image size 96x96x81

File format and naming convention for submission

For each case, the results should be submitted in the following formats: 1) 3D coordinate of the tracts: vtkPolydata ASCII VTK file format; 2) enveloppe of the tracts: ITK-readable Nrrd file format
Naming convention:

  • zip archive file: miccaiDTIChallenge_firstAuthorName.zip
  • VTK file: firstAuthorName_tract_coordinate.vtk
  • Nrrd file: firstAuthorName_tract_enveloppe.nhdr and firstAuthorName_tract_enveloppe.nhdr
  • PNG file: firstAuthorName_tract_axialView.png; firstAuthorName_tract_sagittalView.png; firstAuthorName_tract_coronalView.png

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