ITK Registration Optimization/2007-04-18-tcon
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Home < ITK Registration Optimization < 2007-04-18-tcon
Status and Tasks
- Status
- Defined role of experiments and batches
- To-dos
- Implement BMDashboards
- Status
- Commit into CVS
- Implement as ctests
- Continuing to develop registration pipelines
- Optimize the meansquareddifferenceimagetoimagemetric
- To-dos
- Send email/data to Kilian and determine his runtime on the data
- Time function?
- Get parameters used from Kilian
- Define deformable registration test that matches Kilian's
- Send email/data to Kilian and determine his runtime on the data
- Status
- Setup CMake Dashboard
- Work with Julien on BatchMake Dashboard designs
- Established batchmake dashboard
- To-Dos
- Work with Julien on BatchMake Dashboard designs
- Investigate other opportunities for optimization
- Status
- Get Seb/Brad access to SPL machines
- Continue to optimize MattesMIMetric
- Determine BMDashboard table structure
- Generate cmake macro for defining metric tests
- MattesMI_GetValue, MattesMI_GetDerivative, MattesMI_GetValueAndDerivative
- MI_GetValue, ... (no optimized version yet)
- Command line arguments
- -u : perform unoptimized tests only
- -o : perform optimized tests only
- -v : compute value tests only (for metrics only)
- -d : compute derivative tests only (for metrics only)
- -c : compute combined (value and derivative) tests only (for metrics only)
- To-Dos
- Continue to optimize MattesMIMetric
- Generate cmake macro for defining transform and interpolator tests
- Move multi-threading to itkOptMultiThreadedImageToImageMetric.h/txx
- Subsampling, masks, and multi-threaded
State of things
- Full pipelines being developing
- Programming style
- Done
Performance Dashboard
- Public submission of performance
- Organization of Experiments/Dashboards
- Appropriate summary statistics
- Per machine: batch -vs- speed/error
- Per test: mflops -vs- speed/error
- All, batch -vs- % change in performance
- Multi-threading
- Masks
- Subsampling
- Combined metrics and transforms
- IJ Reports
- Testing infrastructure
- CMake/CPU extensions
- Proposal nearly ready