Slicer:Developer Meetings:20070612
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Home < Slicer:Developer Meetings:20070612
Time: 2pm, 1249 Boylston St., 2nd floor alternate meeting room, Boston, MA.
- PNL wishlist for Slicer 3
- Steve Pieper
- Katharina Quintus
- Nicole Aucoin
- Katie Hayes
- Sylvain Bouix
- PNL group needs to use Slicer3 to give some feedback, but not for something on the critical path
- Trai's stuff?
- EM segment
- registration is still missing
- they use the EM Atlas Brain Classifier in Slicer 2.x
- Editor needs to be tested to check how it stacks up against the Slicer 2.x version, what's missing, what's better
To transition to Slicer3, they have wishlists of functionality. Structural scans: urgent needs:
slightly less urgent needs:
The wishlist for diffusion is less urgent, as the infrastructure is still being worked on (can load and save volumes, but can't really look at them all that well, nor generate tracts).
- measurement frame bug fix is necessary in the NRRD reader/writer
- Sonia is working on Slicer3 ones
- has a preliminary developer on for making command line modules
- hopefully done by end of summer, but summer students in PNL can help test, feedback, and maybe even write segments