Special topic breakout: KWWidgets

KWWidgets Breakout Session
June 26th, 1-2pm
Location: Grier Rooms A & B: 34-401A & 34-401B
- Yumin Yuan
- Steve Pieper
- Alex Yarmarkovich
- Wendy Plesniak
- Nicole Aucoin
- Curt Lisle
- Csaba Csoma
- Brad Davis
- David Gobbi
- Kiran Shivanna
- Kevin Teich
- Roadmap (to help KWWidgets developers prioritize their work)
- Widget feature requests / feedback
- Talk about best approaches to making some widget behavior appear consistent across platforms.
- Separate Tutorial Session for New Users (to happen possibly on Wednesday)
Specific Issues
From Nicole Aucoin
Directory selection dialog box on linux:
- it pops up with a default width such that the right scroll bar isn't visible.
- request: an entry box where I can type a path to reduce clicking through the tree (useful before setting up a favourite)
From Curtis Lisle
idea #1 - I have had trouble initializing widgets to specific values in advance of user input. For example, I've created interfaces with sliders and buttons but I have had trouble getting the widgets to initialize in a state different then the default state. For example, setting a slider to value=26 in the middle of its range without dragging the mouse. The API looks like it is there, but I couldn't get it to work for me. I'm sure I tried setting the state before and after creation, if I remember, but no luck. It may be that I'm not updating the GUI successfully after changing values.
idea #2 - discuss when UI elements need to have Modified() / Update() invoked to refresh their appearance. I used a histogram widget on a project and had to experiment a lot calling the panel and RenderWidowWidget, etc. before I finally got the histogram to update when the input changed.
From Brad Davis
Bug: Double-clicking does not work with slicer3 and linux
Feature request: Tree with additional columns widget
File->Add Data does not use new file browser.
From Alex:
Creating GUI performance in slicer3
Customizable tree widget similar to slicer2 model hierarchy editor
From Wendy:
Creating special versions of menubutton drop-down menus with scroll capability, checkbuttons and radiobuttons with consistent "on/off" visual representation across platforms. (either special Slicer widgets or KWWidgets). It would be good to decide on a strategy for addressing these things.
From KWW-Users mailing list
From Steve:
I'd like to have a discussion of GUI Tracing. In slicer3 we've started to experiment with a MRML-based tracing structure using the scene snapshot infrastructure, but we should consider if this is preferable to a GUI-based solution or not. See, for example, the vtkSlicerRecordSnapshotWidget.
Performance of the file browser could be improved (request for multi-threaded solution or a helper process that does the glob'ing so the main application does not block).
Look and feel issues:
- On windows, the menu bar and scroll bar do not get the appearance
- On linux, font size is sometimes way too small
Maybe just me, but I find the new file browser sometimes ignores doubleclicks -- perhaps it is more picky about any small mouse movement between clicks?