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Home < Projects:DTIPathOfInterest
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Project: DTI path of interest (POI) analysis

Use case: "I'd like to be able to find the optimal path between two regions in a tensor image." - Saykin

Impact: Medium (Saykin)

Difficulty: Low (Snyder)

Vision: Software tool which can find optimal and sub-optimal paths between regions of interest in a tensor image, and produce associated statistics and probability density images. Should work on output of Slicer DTI analysis and ROI drawing tools. Tool should generate probability density image, sample statistics from this image, and from user defined image w/ same geometry.

Goal: Provide software deliverable with robust support for input images with varying slice prescription, voxel size, tensor measurement frame, etc. Ensure compatibility with Slicer file formats and Dartmouth tensor data conventions.

Test Data: Six healthy individuals from the Dartmouth DTI data set.

Team members: Fischl, Yendiki, Helmer, Saykin, West, Jen

  • DTI Coordinate System Support: Gordon Kindlmann, Raul San Jose, Steve Pieper

Win conditions

MGH: Improved robustness and portability of existing POI tool.

Dartmouth: Software deliverable.


  1. Requirements extraction (Snyder/Saykin): done
  2. Create Wiki project page (Snyder): done
  3. Port MGH POI tool to Dartmouth compatible version (Snyder/Tuch): done
  4. Test output visualization in Slicer (Snyder): done
  5. Process test data with MGH tensor reconstruction and POI analysis tools; use for port validation (Snyder): done
  6. Software deliverable installation at Dartmouth (West/Snyder): done
  7. Port to ITK (Jen): done
  8. Test on expanded data set (West/Jen): in queue
  9. Develop path initialization (Jen): in progress
  10. Develop model selection for selecting optimal number of control points (Yendiki): in queue
  11. Develop algorithm for perturbing control points based on neighboring tensors (Yendiki): in progress
  12. Submit to the Insight Journal (Jen): in queue

Progress notes: