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- [Action items, Nichoals] Mid-term goal for Nicholas is to port his rigid and non-rigid regstration to ITK
- Progress--got codes from Won-Ki
- his code only compilable at CUDA machine
- Won-ki modified some of ITK (medial filtering ** needs detail)
- CMake version of Nicholas's code (compilable w/wo CUDA)
- had non-itk registration and non-rigid registratoin
- in the process of implementing them to ITK
- made progress by refering to Won-Ki's code
- effort on CMakeing CUDA
- Ben
- implemented CMake switchers for CUDA
- link to Ben's note
- integrated Framework for CUDA to slicer in th context of volume rendering
- confirmed in Linux
- [Action items, Nicholas] Contact Utah team hear how exactly they implement their ITK.
- done, see above
- [Action items, Nicholas] sending volume rendering code by Dec. 6th.
- Benn didn't received it and doesn't have Nicholas's email.
- Volume rendering
- Kensaku Mori visited SPL
- collaboration'
- MIST library. non-cuda acceralated CPU only volume rendering