2008 Winter Project Week Tractography
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Revision as of 05:08, 3 January 2008 by RandyGollub (talk | contribs)
Home < 2008 Winter Project Week Tractography
- Tractography Validation Beadeker
- 9:00am: Guido Gerig, Overview of Project goals and progress to date including Santa Fe meeting tractography methods see this page for background
- 9:15am: Randy Gollub, Morphometry BIRN DTI acquisition and analysis update
- 9:25am: Randy Gollub, MIND Reliability dataset goals
- Algorithm specific presentations
- 9:35 Sonia Pujol (BWH) Streamline Tractography in Slicer 2.7 using ROI and Whole Brain Seeding
- 9:45 Sylvain Gouttard (Utah) FiberViewer
- 9:55 Tri Ngo (MIT/BWH) Stochastic Tractography
- 10:05 John Melonakos (Georgia Tech) Geodesic Tractography Segmentation
- 10:15 Vince Magnotta (UIowa) GTract
- 10:25 Ross Whitaker/Tom Fletcher (Utah) Volumetric Connectivity
- 10:35am: Coffee break
- 11:00 Casey Goodlett (Utah) DTI Atlas
- 11:10 Sonia Pujol (BWH) Cross algorithm summary statistics
- Wrap up from data presentations
- 11:25 Ross Whitaker to kick-off discussion of Tractography results with summarizing ideas
- 12:00pm: Lunch
- 1:00- 1:30pm Presentation of current status of Slicer 3 DTI infrastructure (Alex Yarmarkovich) Slicer3 DTI status
- 1:30- 3:00pm Continue discussion of Tractography results with focus on:
- Data formats and coordinate system requirements/guidelines/recommendations
- Quality control methods and implementation
- ROIs: what works, what doesn't, what to do?
- Registration &/or resampling to support visit 1- visit 2 analysis and group analysis
- Freesurfer to B0 transform for white matter mask
- Quantification of registration error and its propagation forward and impact on final results
- Plans for data sharing curation and timeline (integration with XNAT project, should we make plans for a NAMIC sponsored MICCAI event: Tractography Grand Challenge e.g. the one done last year for segmentation? See http://mbi.dkfz-heidelberg.de/grand-challenge2007/)
- Outcome metrics and how to best frame scientific questions for this project, steps towards manuscript preparation, milestones for spring 2008 and for Programming Week in June
- 3pm: coffee break
- 3:15pm Dan Marcus to lead discussion of effort required to post this dataset and results on XNAT Central or XNAT NAMIC or where?
- 4:00pm Guido to lead discussion of "NAMIC software infrastructure for DWI analysis" to clarify what the community expects from a powerful NAMIC DWI Analysis toolkit and identify areas of high priority development, keeping in mind the work already done by Alex (see 1 PM talk).
- Identify and agree upon essential processing steps (pipeline) necessary for clinical DTI studies
- Identify Core-1 modules and methods that are a) recently integrated, b) ready to be integrated, c) in development
- Integrate with other on-going efforts