2008 Summer Project Week:XNATandXCEDE
Key Investigators
- Dan M.
- Dan B.
- Julien
- Steve
- Wendy
Improve Slicer's informatics support and its integration with XNAT Tools; Design XCEDE Web Services using several Slicer3 use scenarios as drivers.
Approach, Plan
- Work with existing Grails-based REST interface to XCEDE
- Evaluate use cases for Slicer3
- Work on design of XCEDE web services API to support these.
A straw man REST interface to XCEDE has been implemented using Grails (Groovy on Rails). Grails is a rapid application development environment patterned after Rails (Ruby on Rails). Grails, however, is completely Java-based utilizing industry standard components (Spring, Hibernate, Groovy). In addition, Grails supports many of the common AJAX frameworks and can be compiled and deployed as a .war file.
A server has been set up on slicerl using code in the NAMICSandbox. Two interfaces are available, a human-friendly web site and a machine-friendly REST interface. The command line program curl can interact with the REST interface, and is useful for learning and debugging.