2008 Summer Project Week:PerkStation
Key Investigators
- PI: Gabor Fichtinger, Queen's University
- Queen's University: Siddharth Vikal
- Johns Hopkins University: Csaba Csoma
- NA-MIC: Katie Hayes
The objective of this project (PERK Station) is to develop a tool implemented as a Slicer 3 module, that provides feedback to trainees in a controlled environment for performing image-guided percutaneous needle interventions.
Approach, Plan
The PERK Station comprises of image overlay, laser overlay, and standard tracked freehand navigation in a single suite. The physician looks at the patient/phantom through the mirror showing the image overlay and the CT/MR image appears to be floating inside the body with the correct size and position, as if the physician had 2D ‘X-ray vision’. The planning and control software runs on a stand-alone laptop, where we draw a visual guide along the trajectory of insertion, mark the depth of insertion and push this image onto the overlay display.
We are currently in the process of implementing the image overlay..