DBP 2010

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Selection Process

Motivations and Procedure

The original RFA specified the following:

  • In core 3, an investigator will propose 2-4 collaborations with NIH funded biomedical or behavioral researchers to address a biomedical/behavioral question using computational approaches. It is not essential that the biomedical researchers have expertise in computational biology, but they should have a question that will drive the fundamental computational research in cores 1 and 2. The purpose of this core is to ensure that the research carried out in cores 1 and 2 has direct relevance to biomedical or behavioral research. It may be useful for these Driving Biological Projects (DPB's) to have a focus on a particular disease or organ, but that sort of focus might not be appropriate for all NIH NCBCs. It is expected that many of the biomedical researchers in core 3 will not be at the same institution as the parent NIH NCBC. In such cases, convincing plans for collaboration at a distance must be presented in the proposal.

The DBP's for the 2010 round will be solicited by Ron Kikinis in consultation with the core 1 and core 2 PI's. The DBP's will participate in the development and implementation of the competitive renewal. Specifics of this process will be determined after the RFA has been released.


Prerequisites for candidate groups

  • Candidates have to have existing NIH funding as PI or co-investigator
  • Joint publications with at least one Core 1 or Core 2 member or active participation in the NA-MIC project week events.
  • Willingness to fully adopt the NA-MIC kit
  • NA-MIC funds are NOT to be used for data acquisition
  • Willingness to use DBP funds to hire a software engineer to help
    • adoption of the NA-MIC kit by the DBP group and
    • customization of Na-mic software towards the needs of the DBP.
  • Create tutorials on how to use the NA-MIC technology for the DBP project
  • Become the NA-MIC ambassador into the scientific community of the DBP
    • Disseminate the accomplishment by organizing training events/workshops etc.

Action Items

December 2008

  • Abstract from the qualifying NIH grant (or comparable short description of the driving project), grant # and program officer
  • What is the history with the core 1 or core 2 "sponsor" (1 paragraph)
  • What is the benefit to the DBP applicant (1 paragraph)
  • What is the benefit to NA-MIC (1 paragraph)

January 2009

  • Attend the NA-MIC AHM in Salt Lake City in early January of 2009 to meet with the NA-MIC principals