Slicer Features
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This is a list of key features in the Slicer software package. This list is not comprehensive, nor is it associated with the latest nightly build of Slicer; The purpose of this list is to give a new user a general idea of the vast array of features that Slicer supports.
- Input/Output:
- Image: DICOM, NIfTI, Analyze, Meta, NRRD, MGZ...
- Surface: vtk, vtp, stl, freesurfer, fiber bundle
- Coordinate Systems: All Data is Patient-Referenced
- Visualization: Volume Rendering, Surfaces, Slices Planes, Clipping, Volume Overlays...
- Filtering: Denoising, Nonlinear/Aniostropic Smoothing, Format Conversion
- Registration: Multimodal (e.g. CT/MR), Rigid, Affine, BSpline. Apply Transforms to other volumes.
- Segmentation: Manual Editor, Semi-Automated (Region Growing), Statistical Classifiers, Atlas Based
- Diffusion Imaging: DICOM Import, Tensor Tools, Tractography
- Quantification: Volume Measurements, Points, Lines
- Real-time: Networked Trackers and Volume I/O
- Other
- Meshing
- Fiducials
- Batch Processing
- Remote Data I/O
- Extensible in C++/Tcl/Python
- Slicer Daemon