Instructions to Build SPLOT

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Home < Instructions to Build SPLOT

Create directory "splot-build"

  • Make this directory anywhere you want
  • This is the place all splot stuff and its dependent libs will sit

Build ACE

1) Download ACE source code, e.g. ACE-5.5.tar.gz, from this site: into the directory "splot-build"

2) Move the zipped source code (e.g. ACE-5.5.tar.gz) to the directory "splot-build"

3) Unzip the source code and you will have this directory: ACE_wrappers

4) Set environment variable: ACE_ROOT For instance, in .bash_profile, add ACE_ROOT=/home/hliu/projects/splot-build/ACE_wrappers export ACE_ROOT

5) Add ACE lib to environment variable: LD_LIBRARY_PATH For instance, in .bash_profile, add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ACE_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

6) Create a configuration file, config.h, in $ACE_ROOT/ace. Config.h will contain only the following line:

  1. include "ace/config-linux.h"

This file includes the appropriate platform/compiler-specific header configurations from the ACE source directory.

7) Create a build configuration file, platform_macros.GNU, in $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude. platform_macros.GNU will contain only the following line:

include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_linux.GNU

This file contains the compiler and Makefile directives that are platform/compiler-specific.

8) Run "make" in the ACE_ROOT directory The compiling failed in building $ACE_ROOT/ACEXML/examples/SAXPrint

But the ACE libraries are already built in $ACE_ROOT/lib.