NANOMA:Proposal Mansfield
The proposal "Mansfield" has been proposed as a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES). The goal of these projects is to foster international collaboration. Mansfield was originally meant as an addition to the NSF PIRE Miroma project proposed by Northeastern University and Brigham&Women's Hospital, which did not get accepted though. It was part of the ideas developed in the NANOMA Collaboration.
The initial plan was:
- funding for US researchers to go to europe is acquired by NSF PIRE Miroma
- funding for european researchers to go to the US and Canada is funded by EU Marie Curie IRSES Mansfield
Funding Modalities
The Marie Curie IRSES grants cover travels by european researchers to international partners through a monthly lump sum. Travels from international researchers to Europe will not be funded.
- BWH - Brigham&Women's Hospital (Nobuhiko Hata)
- NEU - Northeastern University (Dinos Mavroidis)
- EPM - Polytechnique Montreal (Sylvain Martel)
- UORL - University Orleans (Antoine Ferreira)
- ETHZ - ETH Zurich (Bradley Nelson)
- UNOL - University Oldenburg (Sergej Fatikow)
- OFFIS - OFFIS e.V. Oldenburg
The proposal deals with the following topics:
- Imaging of magnetic particles (UNOL, OFFIS, BWH, EPM)
- Recognition and tracking of magnetic particles (UNOL)
- Controller design for the magnetic propulsion of the particles (UORL, EPM)
- Navigation of the magnetic particles (BWH)
- Magnetic particle design and manufacturing (ETHZ, NEU)
- Magnetic particle magnetic actuation
The objective for these topics is to research the possibilities and foundations, and to validate the approaches in theory and experiments.