2011 Summer Project Week Watersheds

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Home < 2011 Summer Project Week Watersheds

Interactive Watersheds Segmentation Module for Slicer for Atrial Fibrillation and HN Cancer ... and general use for segmentation of complex structures!

Key Investigators

  • University of Utah: Josh Cates, Ross Whitaker


The watersheds algorithm produces a hierarchical set of segmented objects. For some applications, an interface exploring this hierarchical set has proven useful for assembling segmentations of complex anatomical structures. The goal of this project is to re-engineer the old ITKApps Watershed Segmentation Editor in Slicer. The resulting tool will allow a user to interactively assemble 3D segmentations of image data using the output of the itk::WatershedImageFilter. During Project Week, we anticipate finalizing the watershed tool implementation, taking advantage of the available Slicer engineering expertise to resolve any remaining technical challenges.

Approach, Plan

Work on the Slicer version of the Watershed Segmenter is currently underway. If development stays on schedule, we plan to use Project Week to work with collaborators and Slicer engineers to test and debug the tool. Ideally we will also use Project Week time to develop a small tutorial for our tool.



J. Cates, R. Whitaker, G. Jones, Case Study: An Evaluation of User-Assisted Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation, Medical Image Analysis, V.9, No.6, Dec. 2005

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NAMIC Kit as a

  1. NITRIC distribution
  2. Slicer Module
    1. Built-in:
    2. Extension -- commandline: NO
    3. Extension -- loadable: YES