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Harvard Catalyst Medical Informatics group Meeting Minutes July 26, 2011

In attendance:

  • Bill Wang
  • David Wang
  • Darren Sack
  • Bill Tellier
  • Randy Gollub
  • Valerie Humblet
  • Vincent Roch
  • Steve Pieper
  • Jesse Wei
  • Bill Hanlon (phone)

mi2b2 software update

  • Dave and Chris tested the mi2b2 version 6 on the MGH Production server. The error in the IP addresses has been corrected. They have been able to download all the image studies that failed using version 5.
  • One of the BWH servers was ordered this week another will be ordered soon (sigh).
  • No update from CHB, Bill will follow up with Jon Bickel.
  • Jesse is musing about the best installation of mi2b2 for BIDMC and thinking about the possibility of a Mac based installation. To be discussed in next week's meeting when Chris and Shawn are back. The needs at BIDMC that this mi2b2 instance could meet: 1) easy PACS query/download, anonymization and transfer of image files for a retrospective review research study; 2) query and retrieve not the images, but just the header fields from DICOM files.
  • Bill and Dave have started to think about developing the documentation and training materials for mi2b2. We discussed the value of using nice video capture as done by Dave in past. One good target deadline is by September 21st to be able to present at the CTSA Medical Imaging Informatics session at NIH. Randy will check on funding from Catalyst to support one of the mi2b2 developers to go for the day.

Update on development projects using i2b2/mi2b2


  • Jon Bickel's baby brain project - no news this week.


  • Steve and Ron Kikinis are still waiting for the results of their i2b2 query at BWH.

Here is the Progress Report Randy filed this week with Catalyst

"This project is moving exactly on target with the final Production ready version of the software being deployed for final testing this month at MGH, and Production servers being installed in preparation for deployment at BWH, CHB and possibly BIDMC also this month. We expect that we will be able to deliver the service as a component of RPDR/i2b2 at each of the participating institutions by the end of the funding period. Additional support for users would be of great value to enhance roll out and utilization. Conference presentations in 2011 include a demonstration and slide presentation at the June Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine, a poster presentation at the June Organization for Human Brain Mapping meeting and upcoming in November a poster presentation at the Society for Neurosciences. A 5 year multi-PI (Murphy/Grant/Gollub), multi-institutional (MGH/BWH/CHB) grant proposal (1R01EB014947-01) entitled: " mi2b2 Enabled Pediatric Radiological Decision Support" was submitted to NIH/NIBIB in June to continue this work. We are now beginning work on the training materials to enable dissemination."

Next week's Agenda

  • Plan final Advisory Board meeting
  • What content from public presentations to post on wiki