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Feedback from Ron 08/24/11
- in general: Ron is pleased with the top-level things
- text display in viewers does not work for Ron
- problem annotations are obstructing the images: this should NOT be the case
- fonts ugly
- text gets in the way of things you want to see
- different direction needed: show information in left bottom corner
- two kinds of information
- software wants to show information (push)
- user requests information (pull)
- in viewers: minimal information
- in bottom left corner of Slicer GUI: medium details
- somewhere else: full details
- cdash example: way of not to do it -> important information is covered by annotations
- ohloh example: good example -> first minimal, then under cursor more details when probing
- should be the way to go for the bottom left of Slicer GUI
- two kinds of information
- possible solutions: we assign names (F1,F2,F3 for Fiducials, M1,M2,M3 for measurements, R1,R2... B1,B2) and descriptions
- name appears in viewers
- description in bottom lower left
- on roll-over in viewers, show description in bottom left: display only
- in annotation module: full details
- get rid of text annotation
- get rid of bidimensional annotation
- just three types: fiducials, measurements (ruler), ROIs
- ROI needs a name in the future: requires infrastructure change -> in the future
- for RSNA: name+description in bottom lower left, anything else should be deferred