2012 Summer Project Week:Intraoperative Tract Detection
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Home < 2012 Summer Project Week:Intraoperative Tract Detection
Key Investigators
- BWH: Lauren O'Donnell, Isaiah Norton, Alex Golby
We are developing methods for intraoperative tract detection based on a preoperative plan.
Approach, Plan
Our approach for tract detection is to compare new tracts to the prior information (preoperative plan). Our plan for the project week is to integrate Python code into a slicer module <bar>,...
We have imported our python module into Slicer (however some aspects of its dependencies are not resolved). A Slicer python GUI now allows comparison of whole-brain tracts to a tract of interest.
Delivery Mechanism
This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)
- ITK Module
- Slicer Module
- Built-in
- Extension -- commandline
- Extension -- loadable
- Other (Please specify)