4D DTI tractography in Slicer for TBI
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Home < 4D DTI tractography in Slicer for TBI
Key Investigators
Bo Wang, Andrei Irimia, Micah Chambers, Jack Van Horn, Marcel Prastawa, Guido Gerig
- Combining structural and DTI information for assessment of recovery and treatment efficacy for TBI.
- Coregistration of structural and DTI data of TBI.
- Applying 4D model to DTI data to investigate the changes between acute and chronic time points.
Approach, Plan
- Register DTI to structural images.
- Apply deformation between acute and chronic time points to the co-registered DTI images
- Evaluate initial result with our collaborators
- using Slicer registration modules to do coregistration.
- tried affine, Bspline, demons registration modules.
- worked with Andrei and Anuja together to solve the problem of loading DICOM images.
- discussed with Andrei and Micah about recent progress.
- attended the TBI DBP Team Meeting.