2014 Project Week:DWIDispersion
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Home < 2014 Project Week:DWIDispersion
Key Investigators
- Iowa: Hans Johnson
- Iowa: Kent Williams
- BWH: C-F Westin
- BWH: Peter Savadjiev
Project Description
Implement the fiber dispersion computation method of Savadjiev et al. (MICCAI 2012) as a Slicer4 Extension. Convert the currently existing Matlab implementation into C++/ITK and test it on various datasets.
Approach, Plan
- Create a realistic test suite based on Huntington datasets for the Matlab code.
- [HANS - Monday] Prepare test DWI data set for preparing data
- Create a VTK reader/writer in matlab, in order to the test the matlab code.
- [KENT -- DONE] git@github.com:BRAINSia/CompressedSensingDWI.git
- [PETER - DONE] Build github version of readers/writers
- [PETER - DONE] Manually test vtk readers/writers, and convert existing test to use the binary forms
- Convert the Matlab code to C++/ITK
- [HANS/PETER - DONE] Create design document (i.e. this page and paer/pencil) to describe the intended inputs and outputs.
- [PETER -- DONE] - Write desired command line interface psuedocode "caluclateDispersion --inputTract <wholebrain.vtp> --mask <roi.nrrd> --outputTract <decoratedversionofinput.vtp> "
- [HANS/PETER -- DONE] - Create shell program in psydocode/comments with XML and cxx files with description of basic IO programming needed
- [KENT -- Tuesday/Wednesday] -- Fill in I/O portions of psuedocode and make a compilable application that reads the inputTract, breaks it apart into necessary algorithmic components, and writes out the outputTract.
- Create a Slicer extension
- Private git repository created at: git@github.com:BRAINSia/CompressedSensingDWI.git