2014 Winter Project Week:CIP Core
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Home < 2014 Winter Project Week:CIP Core
Key Investigators
Raul San Jose, Rola Harmouche, Pietro Nardelli, James Ross
Project Description
- The Chest Imaging Platform (CIP) is a general purpose library for analysis of chest images for the characterization of chronic lung diseases. The main objective is to make the tools available to the public by providing a common infrastructure that in turn can be incorporating into Slicer by means of the Slicer CIP library.
- The goal for this week is to consolidate several core functionalities:
- Integration of scale-space particles in VTK.
- Development of the phenotype extraction library in cip_python.
- Explore the integration with ontologies in our chest labelmap definition that employs a region/type coding scheme.
Approach, Plan
- We will wrap Teem functionality within a VTK class to implement scale-space particles.
- Consolidate different phenotype extraction scripts under cid_python.
- Discuss the possibilities of having "rich" labelmaps based on well-defined ontologies.
- Private Github repository: https://github.com/acil-bwh/ChestImagingPlatformPrivate