Algorithm:UNC:DTI:Population Analysis

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Home < Algorithm:UNC:DTI:Population Analysis


Our methodology for population analysis of DT-MRI is based on unbiased non-rigid registration of a population to a common coordinate system. The registration jointly produces an average DTI atlas, which is unbiased with respect to the choice of a template image, along with diffeomorphic correspondence between each image. The registration image match metric uses a feature detector for thin fiber structures of white matter, and interpolation and averaging of diffusion tensors use the Riemannian symmetric space framework. The anatomically significant correspondence provides a basis for comparison of tensor features and fiber tract geometry in clinical studies.

Goodlett dti atlas flowchart.png

Our registration procedure is based on a scalar feature image which is sensitive to sheet like structures. We have observed that the major fiber bundles of interest occur as sheet or tube like manifolds in the FA image of the brain. As a feature image we use the maximum eigenvalue of the hessian of the FA image.

Scalar feature image
Axial slice of FA image
Axial FA
Coronal slice of FA image
Coronal FA
Sagittal slice of FA image
Sagittal FA
Axial slice of feature image
Axial feature
Coronal slice of feature image
Coronal feature
Sagittal slice of feature image
Sagittal feature


  • Casey Goodlett, Brad Davis, Remi Jean, John Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Improved Correspondence for DTI Population Studies via Unbiased Atlas Building. Proc. MICCAI 2006, Springer LNCS v. 4191, pp. 260 - 267.PDF
