NA-MIC/Projects/NA-MIC Kit/IO Unification
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Objective: Enhance and leverage the IOFactory mechanism in the Insight Toolkit. ITK supports a large number of image formats (DICOM, Analyze, Nifti, NRRD, Meta, TIFF, PNG). These formats will be available to Slicer2 and Slicer3 through this mechanism.
Progress: A VTK wrapped ITK class called vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesReader (and a vector version) have been developed and integrated into the Slicer2 and Slicer3 applications. The archetype reader extends the ITK factory capabilities to read volumes where each slice is stored in a separate file as well as volumes stored in a single file. Coordinate frame specifications for the data are transferred to the MRML scene. The classes have user interface components for both Slicer versions.
Key Investigators:
- GE Research: Lorensen
- Isomics: Yarmakovich, Pieper