User contributions
From NAMIC Wiki
- 23:15, 3 February 2010 diff hist -118 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Method: remove duplicate of Netter's illustration
- 23:14, 3 February 2010 diff hist +92 N File:Netter atlas of anatomy 4th edition spinal cord.png Illustration for the anatomy of the back (courtesy of Netter's Atlas of Anatomy 4th Edition) current
- 23:13, 3 February 2010 diff hist +304 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 add illustration of the anatomy of the back from Netter's Atlas of Anatomy
- 08:38, 2 February 2010 diff hist 0 MICCAI 2010 →Ideas for a MICCAI tutorial
- 08:37, 2 February 2010 diff hist +1 MICCAI 2010 →Ideas for a MICCAI tutorial
- 08:26, 2 February 2010 diff hist +22 MICCAI 2010 →Ideas
- 08:25, 2 February 2010 diff hist +1,560 MICCAI 2010 add ideas for a MICCAI tutorial program
- 23:41, 1 February 2010 diff hist 0 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Method: change captions
- 23:38, 1 February 2010 diff hist +131 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 Illustrations section renamed Method
- 23:26, 1 February 2010 diff hist -12 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 update caption of gallery images
- 23:18, 1 February 2010 diff hist -5 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 shorten caption of animated gif to fit other captions in gallery
- 23:16, 1 February 2010 diff hist -250 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 shorten text. remove mention to CSF (b/c not visible in picture)
- 23:09, 1 February 2010 diff hist +72 N File:Martin Loepprich vertebrae animation Jan2010.gif Animated gif file showing L3 to L5 vertebrae, discs, CSF and spinal cord current
- 23:08, 1 February 2010 diff hist +8 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 add .gif extension to filename
- 23:06, 1 February 2010 diff hist +458 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 upload animated gif created by Martin Loepprich using 3D Slicer
- 15:40, 1 February 2010 diff hist +410 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →References
- 08:39, 26 January 2010 diff hist -10 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 shorten text for the caption of 4th gallery image
- 08:37, 26 January 2010 diff hist -7 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 update caption of 3rd gallery image
- 08:33, 26 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:Sylvain Jaume vertebrae and discs Jan2010.png uploaded a new version of "File:Sylvain Jaume vertebrae and discs Jan2010.png": new version of the image with better aspect ratio current
- 08:10, 26 January 2010 diff hist -60 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 New banner screenshots with text and arrows
- 07:49, 26 January 2010 diff hist +126 N File:Sylvain Jaume disc herniation Jan2010.png 3D rendering of an herniated disc protruding into the vertebral foramen [work of Martin Loepprich and Sylvain Jaume, Jan 2010] current
- 07:47, 26 January 2010 diff hist +109 N File:Sylvain Jaume vertebrae and discs Jan2010.png 3D rendering of L3 to L5 vertebrae and corresponding inter-vertebral discs [added by Sylvain Jaume, Jan 2010]
- 00:06, 22 January 2010 diff hist -71 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Key Investigators: remove mention of the mri protocol
- 00:05, 22 January 2010 diff hist -20 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3
- 00:04, 22 January 2010 diff hist +38 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 Update the caption for the herniated disc that reduces the spinal canal space
- 00:00, 22 January 2010 diff hist +104 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 change caption of last screenshot in the gallery
- 23:55, 21 January 2010 diff hist +56 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3
- 23:52, 21 January 2010 diff hist -8 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots: move last screenshot on the same line as another screenshot
- 23:50, 21 January 2010 diff hist -946 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 Reorganize the screenshots. Remove duplicated screenshots.
- 23:47, 21 January 2010 diff hist +125 N File:Loepprich Jaume effect of disc herniation Jan2010.png 3D rendering showing the compression of the spinal canal due to a disc herniation [Martin Loepprich, Sylvain Jaume, Jan 2010] current
- 23:45, 21 January 2010 diff hist +71 N File:Loepprich Jaume vertebra Jan2010.png 3D rendering of spine segmentation results obtained from a 3D MRI image current
- 23:44, 21 January 2010 diff hist +120 N File:Loepprich Jaume vertebra Slicer Jan2010.png Screenshot showing a 3D rendering of our spine segmentation results overlaid on a sagittal view through the MRI 3D image current
- 23:41, 21 January 2010 diff hist +1,764 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 add new gallery screenshots showing the segmentation of vertebrae, discs, CSF and spinal nerves
- 06:14, 21 January 2010 diff hist +95 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3
- 06:11, 21 January 2010 diff hist -96 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 balance the text in the caption and in the approach description
- 06:10, 21 January 2010 diff hist +472 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 revise captions for the top screenshots
- 05:55, 21 January 2010 diff hist +10 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3
- 05:52, 21 January 2010 diff hist +89 N File:Jaume Loepprich vertebrae 3D rendering.png 3D rendering for a vertebrae shape model used for our automated segmentation of the spine current
- 05:47, 21 January 2010 diff hist +261 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 add Slicer screenshot of a vertebrae shape model
- 04:34, 18 January 2010 diff hist -9 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3
- 04:32, 18 January 2010 diff hist +46 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 add link to YouTube video: demo of herniated disc segmentation
- 19:40, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png uploaded a new version of "File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png": Update the screenshot. current
- 19:38, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png uploaded a new version of "File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png": Update the image.
- 19:36, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png uploaded a new version of "File:Sylvain Jaume nerve segmentation intensity profile 2009.png": Intensity profile for a cross-section of a nerve. The image shows the deep valley that corresponds to the dark pixels inside the nerve bundle.
- 19:28, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots: increasing image size for readability
- 19:27, 15 January 2010 diff hist +142 N File:Jaume loepprich graph spine segmentation module 2010.png Code organization of the SpineSegmentation extension module for Slicer 3.5. Visualization was generated using Doxygen and GraphViz (BellLabs). current
- 19:26, 15 January 2010 diff hist +218 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots: add graph of source code (generated using doxygen & graphviz)
- 04:39, 15 January 2010 diff hist +78 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots
- 04:32, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots: re-organized the illustrations of nerve segmentation module
- 04:30, 15 January 2010 diff hist 0 2010 Winter Project Week Spine Segmentation Module in Slicer3 →Screenshots