SDIWG: NCBC Resource Yellow Pages and Software Ontologies

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Home < SDIWG: NCBC Resource Yellow Pages and Software Ontologies

This is the main page for the NIH Roadmap National Centers for Biomedical Computing (NCBC) Working Group titled: Resource Yellow Pages and Software Ontologies

Top page of SDIWG web site

The leads for this Working Group are Ivo Dinov (CCB), Daniel Rubin (NCBO) & Bill Lorensen (NAMIC)

Mission Statement: The goals of this working group are: (1) Develop a Visualization interface (iTools) to enable query and browsing of the NCBC tools, and potentially access to a broad range of biomedical software tools; (2) Develop a software classification scheme that can be used broadly to enable query tools and tagging of biomedical software tools; (3) Develop technologies that will enable convenient and rapid application development and pipelines across diverse heterogeneous hardware and software environments.

NCBC iTools

Past Activies
