Brain Lesion Analysis in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
We would like to provide an end-to-end application within the NA-MIC kit to provide individual white matter lesion classification.
Compare Lesion Analysis Tools
A number of algorithms for fully or semi-automated lesion analysis will be evaluated on brain images from subjects in a study on lupus erythematosis. These include:
1) The tools developed by the UNC group (marcel)
2) The tools developed by the BWH group (EM-segment with lesion segmentation)
3) Tools within Medx (automated lesion classification package)
4) BRAINS2 (automated lesion classification package)
5) manual tracing
Data will be collected at both 1.5 and 3T. Data at 1.5T will be obtained with the protocol utilized for current project on lupus at UNM.
Data at 3T will be obtained with sequences optimized for segmentation by the group at Utah.
Comparisons will be based on the approach developed by Martin-Fernandez et al.
Incorporation into NA-MIC Kit
The algorithm with the best performance will be incorporated in Slicer3.
Documentation will be written for a tutorial and sample data sets will be provided
Hypothesis Testing
Performance characterization and validation