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- [Action items, Nichoals] Mid-term goal for Nicholas is to port his rigid and non-rigid regstration to ITK
- Progress--got codes from Won-Ki
- CMake CUDA
- Someone made CMake CUDA already (*****needs detail Ben***)
- made modificatoin to work it with Linux
- [Action items, Nicholas] Contact Utah team hear how exactly they implement their ITK.
- [Action items, Nicholas] sending volume rendering code by Dec. 6th.
- Volume rendering
- CUDA accelerated volume rendering
- x15 - 20 improvement
- comparison to other people's CG-based volume rendering media:SIGGRAPH-GPU.pdf
- [Action items, Benjamin] port CUDA-based volume rendering to vtk volume rendering classes, and then to Slicer
- [Action items, Benjamin] succeed Nicholas' itk-cuda-rigid non-rigid regstration and port them to Slicer in the context of MRg cardiac ablation
- Timeline
- NH will write paper on IV-CUDA rendering for Journal
- Hata suggested publication of ITK-CUDA registration in Insight Journal (Feb)
- Benjamin will have short summery as of March 15 for MICCAI.
- Benjamin will finish his project by May 15th.
- Benjamin
- Communication
Bi-weekly t-con to update each other week. Next one is Dec 11, 2007 at 9am.