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Home < Leadership:Slicer3-compilation-2008


This page is intended as a blog for our discussions about the organization of the Slicer3 compilation setup. As Slicer 3 is emerging from beta we need to reorganize how we compile and distribute the software.

  • We need to
    • review the current situation
    • identify how it should be done
    • develop a plan to get there

Excerpt from the Specific Aim 1 of the Service Core of the grant application

...In particular we will support configurations instantiated from combinations of the following possibilities.

  • Hardware (in both single and multi-processor combinations): Intel 32- and 64-bit CPU’s, AMD 32- and 64-bit, Sun SPARC
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 2000, XP, Longhorn, Mac OS X and later, Solaris
  • Compilers: gcc, Intel, Borland, Sun CC, MS Visual C++ 6.0, .NET, Sun CC
  • These resources will be available to NAMIC via a dedicated high-speed communication line. Although

we expect that many NAMIC scientists will use their own resources for local development, the computational infrastructure provides the means to compile, test, and disseminate software on platforms to which that particular site might not normally have access. This is particularly important for cross-platform development as the ability to simultaneously develop software on a variety of configurations insures that the development process remains effective.

  • Sufficient disk storage and backup resources will be deployed to archive data and support the

dissemination and training cores. A server will be configured and dedicated specifically to support NAMIC collaboration resources and facilitate communications with the project management core.

Current Situation

How it will be when we are done

How we will get there