2008 Winter Project Week VolumeRendering

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Home < 2008 Winter Project Week VolumeRendering
Volume Rendering, mapping functions optimized for lung
Edit clipping planes using vtkBoxWidget

Key Investigators

  • Isomics: Steve Pieper
  • SPL/IGT: Benjamin Grauer, Andreas Freudling


Integration of interactive volume rendering into Slicer 3 using hardware and software based rendering techniques.

Improve the existing framework using new algorithms / frameworks like CUDA or other rendering algorithms.

Use volume rendering for 4D IGT.

See integration of volume rendering in Slicer 3 and new volume rendering techniques for details.

Approach, Plan

Discuss which further efforts have to be taken to get a better usability of volume rendering (How can mapping functions be edited more intuitive, what are good presets etc.)

What are essential features for volume rendering in Slicer.

What are difficulties, issues when using volume rendering in connection with other modules.

How should a different rendering, GUI for DTI, label maps and gray scale volumes look like.

Figure out how difficult it is to integrate CUDA or other rendering algorithms into VTK and Slicer.


June 2007 Project Week

The work on this project started in August 2007.

Jan 2007 Project Half Week

We added additional usability features, including a vtkBoxWidget and a GUI for volume rendering of labelmaps. We could also improve performance issues and are working on adding scene snapshot functionality.
