2008 Winter Project Week:Resampling DTIs with Slicer3
Key Investigators
- BWH: Francois Budin, Sylvain Bouix
- GE: Xiaodong Tao
The goal of this project is to develop a command line module for slicer 3 to resample DT images. This module is compatible with several ITK 3D transforms (rigid, affine and non-rigid). These transforms can be pass as an ITKTransformFile using the command line, or directly as a transform in Slicer3. It also allows change the spacing, the orientation, the size or the origin of the image. This module implements different diffusion tensor interpolations and the structure of the program makes it easy to add new interpolations or new transformations.
Approach, Plan
Our approach is to build the ITK infrastructure (ITK diffusion tensor interpolators and ITK diffusion tensor transforms) to support this module. Our main purpose at the Project Week is to implement a non-rigid transform for diffusion tensor images.
The module is available in Slicer3 TransformIO branch. It currently supports:
- Several blockwise diffusion tensor interpolations
- Nearest Neighborhood
- Linear
- BSpline
- The following transforms
- Rigid3D
- Affine - Finite Strain
- Affine - Preservation of Principal Direction
- non-rigid transforms (not tested yet)
To implement:
- new interpolations ( using the separation of the shape and the orientation of the tensors)
- D.C. Alexander, C. Pierpaoli, P.J. Basser, J.C. Gee. Spatial Transformations of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images, IEEE Transactions on medical imaging, vol. 20, No. 11, November 2001