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Home < Slicer-IGT < GPU-IGT


  • To integrate fast GPU-accerelated image processing in NA-MIC toolkit
  • To perform 4D MRI or [[Slicer3:4DUltrasound 4D US] guided operation assisted by GPU-accelerated Slicer
  • Create a Wiki Page for Slicer3:Volume Rendering With Cuda

People involved

  • Nobuhiko Hata (BWH)
  • Benjamin Grauer (BWH, ETH)
  • Nicholas Herlambang (Tokyo University)
  • Wong Ki Jeong (U Utah)



  1. Cuda Integration into Slicer/CMake works (on Kubuntu)
  2. NH will write paper on IV-CUDA rendering for Journal
  3. Hata suggested publication of ITK-CUDA registration in Insight Journal (Feb)
  4. Benjamin will have short summery as of March 15 for MICCAI.
  5. Benjamin will finish his master by May 15th.

Misc notes

  1. Link to Slicer3:Volume_Rendering
  2. Getting Cuda and CMake to run together
  3. Check out the samplecode for a Cuda and CMake project for Volume Rendering

Cuda Examples

  1. Cuda Lecture


A list of interesting resources for building and using CUDA within Slicer and VTK:

  1. CUDA Main page:
  2. CMake-Cuda:
  3. CUDA lecture by David Kirk @ Univ. of Illinois:
  4. Nice Siggraph Presentation on Volume Rendering media:SIGGRAPH-GPU.pdf

Volume Rendering Techniques

  1. Nagoya Software MIP
    1. Source: Volumerenderer.h
  2. Osirix approach