Dissemination:Progress Report:2008

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NA-MIC Dissemination Update, Year 4

The dissemination goal in the fourth year of NA-MIC was to continue the outreach activities that were established in the prior years of the center. In addition to the training events reported by the Training core, one workshop and two birds-of-a-feather meetings were held in collaboration with the Service core. The wiki-based collaborative web presence was also maintained and expanded this year.

The Third Open Source Software Workshop at MICCAI 2006: NA-MIC was invited again to hold the third Open Source Software Workshop. The focus, as in the previous year, was the discussion of applications and infrastructure developments in Open Source Software, which remains a driving theme in the NA-MIC kit. This workshop was held in conjunction with MICCAI 2007 in Brisbane, Australia. There were X registered attendees for this workshop, X podium presentations and X posters. This workshop was organized jointly with the Insight Software consortium and details are available here:

Birds-of-a-Feather Meetings: The “Programming Week” event that was started in the first year of NA-MIC to gauge the interest of participants in spending a week together working on NA-MIC projects, renamed to "Project Week" to reflect its expanded its scope and duration in the second year, continued to gain momentum in the fourth year similar to the third year. It continues to include projects that involve all the center cores as well as several funded and non-funded collaborators. The duration in the fourth year was increased to 2 weeks per year - the last week of June at MIT, as well four days in conjunction with the all-hands meeting in January. The MIT Summer 2007 Project week included X attendees (X NA-MIC, X Collaborators), X Projects (X NA-MIC, X External Collaborations), and the AHM Utah Winter Project week included roughly 104 attendees, 38 Projects (26 NA-MIC, 12 External Collaborations). Details of all programming/project weeks are available here: http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Engineering:Programming_Events.

Web Presence: The collaborative wiki (http://wiki.na-mic.org) has expanded to 1100 pages and about 600 users. (In Year 1, we had 350 pages and 150 users, in Year 2 we had 700 pages and 200 users, and in Year 3 we had 900 pages and 300 users ) In addition to the NA-MIC investigators use of these wiki pages, the usage by external collaborators continues to expand and lead to independent wikis in several cases.