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Action Items (details below)

  1. Review the updated consultation page on the wiki. (everybody)

Harvard Translational Imaging Consortium Meeting Minutes October 7, 2008

In Attendance (via phone):

  • Gordon Williams
  • Laura Alice
  • Randy Gollub
  • Carolyn Zyloney
  • Annick D van den Abbeele
  • Stephan Voss
  • Gordon Harris
  • Bill Hanlon

1. Consultation Service
Final edits to the consultation service page are in the process of being made so the web-page will go live on the CTSC Catalyst website as soon as possible, most likely in October or November.

  • Randy Gollub is looking for appropriate pictures for the top of the consultation page and will post this soon.
  • Minor changes to number 3 ("What kind of consultation is not available?") on the consultation page draft were made. This change emphasizes that the consulting service is not responsible for performing image data analysis.
  • The Imaging Consortium agreed that an email address should be created specifically for the consultation service. This idea has been proposed to CTSC Central.
  • Creating a job description for a triage person will be discussed at the next meeting. Imaging consortium members are encouraged to propose job candidates.

2. Medical Imaging Informatics/XNAT/ Medical Imaging Data Transfer update

  • Randy Gollub contacted Shawn Murphy, the CTSC Central Informatics/i2b2 expert. A joint meeting between the Imaging Consortium and CTSC Informatics is being planned. This meeting will provide the Imaging Consortium with the opportunity to discuss the XNAT proposal, including the creation of a central data repository and gateway issues regarding data transfer between institutions. Part of the goal of this meeting will be to organize a subgroup of the Imaging Consortium to work on the XNAT proposal with CTSC Central.
  • The Consortium agreed that we should prioritize our immediate and long-term goals for XNAT
  • During the meeting several additional points regarding an expanded vision for medical informatics infrastructure were mentioned
    • Stephen Voss from Children's Hospital mentioned that he needs support for transfering data from multi-site clinical trials that are led by investigators at Children's Hospital
    • Working with Ellen Grant (discussed during the 9.23.08 t-con)
  • Bill Hanlon has created a document summarizing the current status of the TIMC project. Consortium members are asked to look over this document for the next meeting
  • The BIRN project coordinating center, now in Los Angeles, may be a potential source of funding for XNAT

3. Communication with Imaging Community
The Imaging Consortium agreed that consortium members will be responsible for reaching out to the broader imaging community at each institution within the consortium to inform the community of the consultation service, identify people with imaging expertise, and recruit possible collaborators for the consultation service. Randy Gollub will speak at the MGH ECOR (Executive Council on Research) meeting. Consortium members at each institution are asked to present at the Radiology Division Heads Meetings. Gordon Williams is preparing a PowerPoint presentation draft that will present an overview of the CTSC. Consortium members are encouraged to edit this presentation. A final draft will be prepared based on these edits so that all members of the Imaging Consortium can use a standard presentation

4. Update on pilot grants

  • 1100 applications for the Pilot Grants were downloaded
  • Gordon Williams anticipates that approximately 500 will be submitted
  • Submitted grants will be quickly reviewed until the 100 best proposals are selected
  • These 100 proposals will be examined in depth and the investigators submitting them may be asked for more information
  • 50 proposals will be chosen to receive $50,000 in funding
  • Investigators who submitted proposals that were considered but not funded will be able to speak to the Navigators as to why their project was not chosen

5. CTSC Meeting at ACRIN (Report from Annick)
Dan Sullivan chaired this meeting. Since the Harvard CTSC/Imaging Consortium is setting up a means of transferring data across institutions, it puts us in a leadership position for CTSC National Imaging effort.

6. PET/ molecular imaging
Molecular imaging, including PET/MR, is a major initiative now. Greg Sorenson has agreed to act as a consultant for the Imaging Consortium for molecular imaging.