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Home < Slicer3:SkeletonGenerator


The Skeleton Generator is a simple program to generate template codes for 3D Slicer module and help developers to get started on their development. A source code generated by the Skeleton Generator can immediately be compiled and executed as a 3D Slicer module. The developers can create their own modules by just modifying the codes.

Getting Started


The Skeleton Generator is written in Tcl. You need to have Tcl interpreter to run on you computer. It generates a Slicer3 Module C++ code, which can be compiled on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X.

Get the program

The program is available in the NA-MIC SandBox repository. You can obtain the source code by using Subversion. In case of Linux and Mac OS X, simply type following command in the terminal:

 svn co SkeletonGenerator

How to use it

Go to working directory and just run the script. Suppose working director is "./work", Skeleton Generator is in /home/junichi/SkeletonGenrator and the name of the module you will create is "NewModule"

 $ mkdir work
 $ cd work
 $ /home/junichi/SkeltonGenerator/generate.tcl --name=NewModule

Then the program creates a directory named "NewModule" and generate template codes there.

 $ cd NewModule
 $ ls
 CMakeLists.txt             vtkNewModuleGUI.h
 NewModule.txt              vtkNewModuleLogic.cxx vtkNewModuleLogic.h
 vtkNewModuleGUI.cxx        vtkNewModuleWin32Header.h

Compile the module

To compile the module on Linux or Mac OS X, run the following commands:

 $ cd <working directory>
 $ mkdir NewModule-build
 $ cd NewModule-build
 $ cmake -DSlicer3_DIR=<path to the Slicer3-build directory> ../NewModule
 $ make

Future works

  • Provide several module styles e.g. wizard-based GUI (The program already has a mechanism to choose from different template codes, but only a simple template is provided currently.)
