I put a case from the outside world in /projects/schiz/guest/sylvain/data/For_Markd
Here is the info about the case:
TR 6000 ms, TE 100 ms, 128x128 matrix, 320 mm FOV, 8/8 RectFOV, _b_-value=1000 s/mm2 , 8 non-collinear gradient orientations, 7 averages, 19 slices, 5 mm slice thickness, no skip, 2.5x2.5 mm pixel size
The orientation is axial IS, endianess Big.
I stripped the header and loaded the files in slicer and they look fine.
I tried creating a protocol but I am not sure hoe to do this with the ordering of the files which is a mix of slice interleaved and volume interleaved:
01-07: 7 T2 scans of the same slice
08-14: 7 T2 scans of the next slice
do this 19 times...
134-140: 7 * (0.000 1.0000 0.0000) gradient of the same slice
141-147: 7 * (0.873 0.488 0.000) gardient of the same slice
do this 19 times...
There are a total of 8 gradient directions:
0.000 1.0000 0.000
0.873 0.488 0.000
0.266 -0.2 0.942
-0.7 0.678 0.224
-0.599 0.119 0.792
-0.324 -0.686 0.651
0.265 0.631 0.729
0.876 -0.229 0.425
Let me knwo if you can help. I am out of town next week so there is no rush to do this.