UNC Roadmap Project
- What problem does the pipeline solve, and who is the targeted user?
There is a lack of appropriate tools for processing of pediatric MRI, a challenging topic since pediatric MRI differs significantly from adult MRI due to variable brain shape and the process of maturation/myelination which are reflected in nonlinear shape/volume changes but also regional change of white matter....
We would like to create an end-to-end application within Slicer3 allowing individual and group analysis of regional and local cortical thickness. Such a workflow applied to the young brain (2-4 years old) is one goal of the UNC DBP
- How does the pipeline compare to state of the art
A statistical analysis is currently performed in order to compare our pipeline with FreeSurfer. We use a pediatric dataset of 90 cases including controls autistic children and developmental-delays, 2 groups being considered: 2 year-old cases and 4-year old cases.
Detailed Information about the Pipeline
- Illustrate the components and workflow of the pipeline using your own data
- Demonstrate parameters/steps that need to be adjusted using someone else's data
Software & documentation
- Executables and tutorial dataset: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/arctic/
- DBP: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Co-PI: Heather Cody Hazlett, PhD
- Co-PI: Joseph Piven, MD
UNC DBP: Clement Vachet
- Core 1: Martin Styner, UNC Chapel Hill
- UNC Algorithm: Ipek Oguz, Nicolas Augier, Marcel Prastawa, Marc Niethammer, Cedric Mathieu, Clement Vachet
- Core 2: Jim Miller, GE Research
- Contact: Heather Cody Hazlett, PhD, (heather_cody at med.unc.edu, Ph: 919-966-4099)
- Publication Links to the PubDB.
- Planned outreach activities (including presentations, tutorials/workshops) at conferences