Collaboration:MR Wiki
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Tcon 08-28-2009
Attending: David, David, Ron
- Ron should have a tcon next week with Roberta and Sally to discuss the technical issues around the creation of a wiki server and the software
to be used. It would probably be sensible to ask Peter Seres to participate in that as well.
- Ron would use this information to develop with the Central Office an action plan for the development and implementation of an MR wikipedia - including some of the options (and an idea of related resource and costs) he suggested for future expansion - a publication database and more complex media display - - based on his experience with his slicer development (Ron will send some links on this)./
- The issues of governance probably to be addressed by an editorial board - engaging members with responsibility for particular areas - this could be put together with help from the publications cttee - and also by direct invitation to the membership themselves. Controversy is to be expected, anticipated and planned for.
- There is a good case for making the wiki open to the public early on - and Ron will make these points in the Action Plan as the Board and Exec
will no doubt want to understand these issues before applying the brand name.
- The action plan could be circulated past the web services committee in the next few weeks for comments and suggestions and then we could
hopefully start to implement something.