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Base Classes
SphericalWaveletObject<dimension of signal ,type of signal>::itkObject
- Functions:
- -get/setSubdivisionLevel() : sets the level of recursive, spherical icosahedron subdivision
- -getTemplateMesh() [sphere] : returns the subdivided icosahdron mesh with lower levels preceding higher levels in the point list.
- -get/setSignalVector (does not compute, only storage)
- -get/setCoefficientVector (does not compute, only storage)
- -IsSignalVectorAvailable() whether the signal information is available
- -IsCoefficientVector() whether the coefficients are available
- :: -getIndicesSetAtResolution() //this the K set, used for the forward/backward filters
- -getDifferenceIndicesSetAtResolution() //this is the M set, used for the forward/backward filters
- Member Variables:
- Private:
- coeffs:itkVector<itkVector<double>> (k-th vector stores the coefficients for dimension k of signal) [Nxd], where N is the number of points in the template mesh, and d is the dimenstionality of the signal
- signal:itkVector<itkVector<type of signal>> (k-th vector stores the signal at dimension k) [Nxd], where N is the number of points in the template mesh, and d is the dimenstionality of the signal
- A,B,C,K,M …(what type of structure?)
- itkMesh: TemplateMesh
- Private:
- Functions:
- -set/getSphericalParametrizedMesh() [internally we remesh]
- -get/setSurfaceSignal
- Functions:
- -setInput(sphericalWaveletObject)
- -getOutput(sphericalWaveletObject)
- Functions:
- -setInput(sphericalWaveletObject)
- -getOutput(sphericalWaveletObject)
Example of use for shape analysis
- SphericalWaveletObject swo<1,float>
- swo.setSubdivision(5)
- SphericalWaveletObject::surfaceSignalType s
- swo.setSignal(s);
- mesh = swo.getTemplateMesh(); //can visualize
- SphericalWaveletSignalToCoefficientsFilter swf
- swf.SetInput(swo);
- swf.Update();
- swg.GetOutput(swo);