NAMIC Wiki:DTI:ITK-DiffusionTensorPixelType:Implementation

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Home < NAMIC Wiki:DTI:ITK-DiffusionTensorPixelType:Implementation

Implementation of the DiffusionTensorPixel type

This page contains the code implementing the functionalities of the Diffusion Tensor pixel type. Given that the class is templated over the component type, the code is to be stored in a file with extension .txx. This is an initial draft of the suggested implementation.

Note that in particular it is missing the methods for returning EigenVectors and EigenValues. It is likely that we will be able to use a 3D specific implementation of eigen analysis in order to improve performance.

Another topic for discussion is the proper error management of out-of-bound calls. For example, when a user request the element tensor(5,3). The current suggested implementation is simply returning the element tensor(0,0), however it is arguable whether we should throw an exception and make the user aware of the problem.

Tensor operations are also open issues. In principle we should address

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Covariant product
  • Tensor product with a vector

We probably should also provide operations for Tensor magnitude.

 #ifndef _itkDiffusionTensorPixel_txx
 #define _itkDiffusionTensorPixel_txx
 #include "itkDiffusionTensorPixel.h"
 #include "itkNumericTraits.h"
 namespace itk
  * Assignment Operator
 template<class T>
 ::operator= (const Self& r)
   return *this;
  * Assigment from a plain array
 template<class T>
 ::operator= (const ComponentType r[Dimension])
   return *this;
  * Returns a temporary copy of a vector
 template<class T>
 ::operator+(const Self & r) const
   Self result;
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
     result[i] = (*this)[i] + r[i];
   return result;
  * Returns a temporary copy of a vector
 template<class T>
 ::operator-(const Self & r) const
   Self result;
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
     result[i] = (*this)[i] - r[i];
   return result;
  * Returns a temporary copy of a vector
 template<class T>
 const DiffusionTensorPixel<T> &
 ::operator+=(const Self & r)
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
     (*this)[i] += r[i];
   return *this;
  * Returns a temporary copy of a vector
 template<class T>
 const DiffusionTensorPixel<T> &
 ::operator-=(const Self & r)
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
     (*this)[i] -= r[i];
   return *this;
  * Returns a temporary copy of a vector
 template<class T>
 ::operator*(const ComponentType & r) const
   Self result;
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
     result[i] = (*this)[i] * r;
   return result;
  * Matrix notation access to elements
 template<class T>
 const typename DiffusionTensorPixel<T>::ValueType &
 ::operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
   unsigned int k = i * 3 + j;
   if( k >= 5 )
     return  (*this)[0];
   return (*this)[k];
  * Matrix notation access to elements
 template<class T>
 typename DiffusionTensorPixel<T>::ValueType &
 ::operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
   unsigned int k = i * 3 + j;
   if( k >= 5 )
     return  (*this)[0];
   return (*this)[k];
  * Print content to an ostream
 template<class TComponent>
 std::ostream &
 operator<<(std::ostream& os,const DiffusionTensorPixel<TComponent> & c )
   for(unsigned int i=0; i<c.GetNumberOfComponents(); i++)
     os <<  static_cast<typename NumericTraits<TComponent>::PrintType>(c[i]) << "  ";
   return os;
  * Read content from an istream
 template<class TComponent>
 std::istream &
 operator>>(std::istream& is, DiffusionTensorPixel<TComponent> & c )
   TComponent red;
   TComponent green;
   TComponent blue;
   for(unsigned int i=0; i<is.GetNumberOfComponents(); i++)
     is >> si[i];
   return is;
 } // end namespace itk