From NAMIC Wiki
Isaiah Norton, Golby Lab, Department of Neurosurgery
contact: inorton @bwh d-t harvard d0t edu
Slicer Notes
Things that aren't fleshed-out enough to go into Mantis, or if I can't fully reproduce yet, can't share the data right now, etc..
- Can't load high-res MEMPRAGE MRI from MGH for AG case in Slicer3. workaround: loaded fine in slicer2, then saved as nrrd.
Feature Wishes
- Better transform handling in the registration code: should sort out any hierarchies for cross-registration (ie, want to register to something that is already inside another transform)
- Put models inside appropriate transform after generation
- Editing volume inside of transform - don't want to have to move volumes out every time to change labelmaps in a complex scene.
- Tract (hyperstreamline) intersection with MR planes (highlighted with color change, ring, etc.)
- Slice intersections in 3D viewer (helps with depth perception).
- [LoadBrainPointsIntoSlicer]
Other Notes
WrapITK for Python ITK in Slicer3