2011 Winter Project Week::ExtractSEM
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Home < 2011 Winter Project Week::ExtractSEM
Key Investigators
- Iowa: Hans Johnson
- GE: Jim Miller
Extract the Slicer Execution Model (SEM) code into a separate codebase that makes it easier for people to check-out and use without Slicer.
Approach, Plan
- Create a separate repository area for SEM
- Restructure the CMake configuration so that it can be built standalone and used by external reference
- Restructure the CMake configuration so that it can be built as part of another project that uses SuperBuild
- Set up Slicer (Slicer3?, Slicer4?) to use the new external package.
- Eliminate ITK dependency?
Delivery Mechanism
This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)
- ITK Module
- Slicer Module
- Built-in
- Extension -- commandline
- Extension -- loadable
- Other (Please specify) YES. Utility library.