Engineering Action Plan
Overview of the project
In Progress / Completed (Reverse Chronological)
- (In Progress: Spring 2011) Write Tutorial for DTIPrep
- (In Progress: Spring 2011) Re-deidentify data subset and post to XNAT for NA-MIC purposes.
- (In Progress: Spring 2011) Identified a bug in Mattes mutual information metric related to multithreading the was affecting BRAINSFit. Working with the ITK community to correct it.
- (Complete: Spring 2011) Process data from raw DICOM data (enhanced DicomToNRRDConverter)
- (Complete: March 2011) Fixed BRAINSTools errors on Windows
- (Complete: Feb 2011) Moved all BRAINS testing data to midas.kitware.com and updated the tests to pull data from there.
- (Complete: Feb 2011) Final approval from the Predict Steering Committee to share data.
- (Complete: Jan 2011) Add testing data suite to DicomToNRRDConverter
- (Complete: Fall 2010) Over 2900 scan sessions collected.
Morphometric Processing
Goals: Have all the documentation and code in place for BRAINS3 to easily be used by the community.
- 2011-02-15 (Mark Scully): Prepare the BRAINS3 Toolkit for public use
- Improve the consistency of the command line argument processing
- Create an XML formal Schema from the SEM model examples
- Enhance the SEM schema with other optional tags needed for improved documentation
- Make SEM into it's own External_Add project to ease use by other packages
- Move internal documentation from https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/display/BRAINS/Command+line+argument+rules, to the SEM pages section
- Improve merging strategies between BRAINS3Tools that are part of BRAINS3 and BRAINS3Tools that are part of Slicer3. A combination of git svn should ease the integration of these two platforms.
- Improve the consistency of the command line argument processing
- 2012-01-15 (Mark Scully): Create documentation for a standard morphometric analysis
- 2013-01-08 (Mark Scully): Create tutorial for full morphometric analysis suitable for basing a DWI based analysis on.
DTI Processing
Goals: Tools for a longitudinal analysis pipeline of changes measured by fiber tractography to identify white matter tracts that have strong co-morbid degenerative timelines compared to subcortical degeneration over time. Enable the use of the advanced DTI processing in NA-MIC within PREDICT HD. Specifically, adapt all NA-MIC tools to work as individual external Slicer modules (in part they already exist, but need further work), as well as combine them into a single Slicer DTI processing wizard.
- 2010-12-15 (Mark, Joy, UNC Team):
- Word doc Tutorial updated with visual inspection info
- Create Media Wiki version of documentation
- Create PPT presentation for DTIPrep.
- Process data from raw DICOM data (enhanced DicomToNRRDConverter)
- 2010-11-30 (Mark, Joy): Add testing data suite to DicomToNRRDConverter (Joy to identify, Mark to implement)
- Target 2010-12-31(Mark): CMake URL data download mechanisms (Look at Titan CMake has examples of this).
- 2010-12-31 (Clement) DicomToNRRDConverter use of B-Matrix for vb13 data DTI_THP Iowa data.
- Target 2011-05-01 (Clement): DTI noise estimation, Rician noise filtering
- Review status of code to determine how to modularize into stand alone library and executable
- Include directly into DTIprep
- 2011-06-24 (Clement/Mashid): DTI QC and motion/eddy current correction (enhanced DTIPrep)
- Reporting standardization for easier report generation. Use of XML, extended reporting.
- Loading reports so that batch processing mode and gui processing mode allow the same user
- GUI should allow for manual individual rejection of DWI gradients
- 2011-12-31 (Clement/Mark/Mahshid): DTI estimation, property map generation (existing Slicer modules)
- Review and make command line interfaces and make a dictionary of common command line arguments across the tool sets.
- Push DTIProcess tools into full Slicer Modules
- 2011-08-15 (Clement): DTI atlas registration (new Slicer module)
- Investigate if both scalars and higher models can both be supported.
- Investigate DTITK inclusion Slicer3
- 2012-05-01 (Clement): DTI atlas based fiber analysis (new Slicer module)
- Tools need re-writing to make them slicer3 compatible.
- 2012-07-01 (Clement): DTI atlas computation module (new Slicer module)
- NITRC implementation FRAT needs rewrite, alternative would be open source AtlasWorks
- 2012-09-01 (Clement): DWI atlas mapping tool (new Slicer module)
- Need to move to NITRC and convert to Slicer3
- 2013-01-01 (Clement/Mark/Jeff/All): Appropriate reporting of all steps
- Reporting of tool status. Track the OpenProvenance project.
- Use XML so that we can convert of OpenProvenance latter if desired.
- 2013-08-30 (Mark): DTI processing wizard in Slicer
- 2013-08-30 (Clement): Longitudinal DTI analysis module
- Create processing pipeline for
- Batch procesing for running large number of data sets
- 2013-08-30 (Steve Pieper/Kitware/Core 2 involvement): Fiber profile measurement/visualization within Slicer
Shape Analysis
Goals: Tools for a longitudinal shape analysis pipeline to identify localized changes in basal ganglia tracts that have strong co-morbid degenerative timelines. Enable the use of the advanced SPHARM & particle shape analysis processing in NA-MIC within PREDICT HD.
- 2011-04-01 (Slicer Team/Core2):Sun Grid Engine compatibility
- 2011-04-01 (Clement): Clean up existing tools for deployment at Iowa
- Individual SPHARM tools (exists, needs polishing)
- SPHARM shape summary tool (exists, needs polishing)
- Statistical Shape Analysis Tools (exists, needs polishing)
- CSV files as part of Slicer standards (Paths, variables, group associations, etc)
- 2012-01-01 (Mark): Analyze 225 subjects with Cross sectional tools
- With between 3-6 longitudinally collected scans.
- With Caudate/Putamen/Thalamus
- 2013-08-01 (Clement): Add support for particle shape analysis (new Slicer module)
- Target of 2011-01-14: have feasibility shape analysis done to identify outstanding work that needs to be done.
BatchMake Processing and Grid Wizard
Goals: Create a distributed batch processing pipeline that pulls data from and reports data to XNAT while distributing jobs across a cluster.
- 2011-01-14 (Marco): Contact BatchMake developers and determine what needs to be done in order to distribute computational load for the analysis of this project.
- 2011-06-24 (Marco): Distribute from local data repositories.
- 2012-06-24 (Marco/Kevin Archie/Tim Olsen): Distribute from XNAT
- 2011-01-14 (Marco/Kevin Archie): Define mechanism for deploying distributed computations with GridWizard as a backend tool that the end-user never sees.
Goals: Share a meaningful, fully anonymized subset of the sMRI, fMRI, and DWI Huntington's data.
- (Target date of 2010-12-10) Identified the FMRI_024 data (77 subjects, 2-3 years longitudinal) as a good candidate data set for collaborative algorithm development platform. This data set has 3 71direction+8B0 DTI data sets, 2 1.0^3 T1 data sets, and a 0.56x0.56x1.4 T2 data set.
- Will likely need to collect clinical data for shape analysis work that includes: (Age, Gender, Dx, Burdon Score, Motor Score).
- Will need to re-de-identify all the data to be used here.
- Will need to run auto-workup for generating Caudate/putamen/hippocampus/thalmus masks.
- Data exchange will be done through XNAT. including derived data.
- (Target date of 2011-01-14): Share all DTI_THP to wide NAMIC group for validation of tools being developed.
Goals: Inform community of the existence of tools and data sets as well as train them on their use.
- Tutorial(s) on the wiki
- Presentations at HBM, Euro-HD.net, HDSA (The Huntington's Disease Society of America) in year 2
- Hands-on teaching event for the DBP scientific community for year 3
- DBP: Hans Johnson, DBP engineer Mark Scully
- Algo: Martin Styner, DBP engineer Clement Vachet, Mahshid Farzinfar
- Eng: Dan Marcus, Jeff Grethe, Marco Ruiz